[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I have, in the past, pretended to PvP. Maybe the last time was in Cat-collision, running Boralus (is that what the PvP zone was?).

Ah, yes. Tol Barad.

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Tol Barad

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Itā€™s part of the live realms, so whatever realm you choose, that will be the ruleset. No forced PvP.

Also being part of the live realms, I kinda assume it will be Warmode On/Off but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve seen that confirmed.

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Well all realms on regular Retail Live are Normal. War Mode is how you enter PVP mode (outside of merely flagging oneself for PVP ā€“ but in that instance you stay on your realmā€™s shard and not moved to the War Mode shard).

Perhaps we will just need to flag ourself in order to PVP or perhaps they will have a location where we can enable War Mode.

Guess we will know very shortly.

Hmm, we start on Timeless. Wonder if they left that vendor up that sells the item to make yourself hostile to everyone who are not using the same toy effect.

Did my /roll ā€¦ came out as MAGE. Already have two of those (Horde & Ally) but oh well.

UPDATE: So far on Timeless at the start of the intro quests, there is no PVP.


Ok, changed my mind last minute and for now Lightforged Priest. So, that gets a class and allied race checked off if I finish it.


I am being good.
I am being good.
I really want to start playing but promised myself I would finish a chore first. Not only does this chore really need to get done, itā€™s spread all over where I usually sit to play, so itā€™s definitely best to get it cleaned up first.

Also made myself fix a reasonable lunch. My first impulse was my usual: put a bag of salty snacks, one of sweet snacks, and a couple cans of soda by the chair, and donā€™t bother with lunch.


Lunch and chore first! Then you can relax and enjoy the game. I made pasta sauce the other day and cooked some pasta for dinner yesterday and made sure I had leftovers to heat today. Just put the second load of laundry on now. Did the dishes this morning.

Crush those chores! Also, game is running very smoothly so far for me. Very new player friendly so even playing a class I have not played it is not overwhelming.


Iā€™m loving it. Ended up doing Nightborne Mage and Vulpera Shaman if I get to do another one.

Make sure while you are zipping around all over on your dragonriding mounts that you grab as many of the Bronze Orbs as you can see. They are giving a nice amount of Bronze and stat buffs. Some are in singles, but quite a bit are in cluster groups.


Since thereā€™s zero way to activate War Mode (No way to Vrak or your faction capital) PvP will be a rarity. You can manually flag but even then I donā€™t think you will find much action.

There may be BGs? I didnā€™t check.

Anyway really enjoying MoP Remix so far. 10 to 22, and even though Iā€™m still in Jade Forest got all kinds of neat abilities and 20%+ XP boost from my cape.

@Kyzera Keep in mind you can be going around on a normal flyer too and get them orbs! Iā€™m doing that becauseā€¦Iā€™m really pretty tired of drakes.

I kinda want Taco Bell now tooā€¦now if only most fast food didnā€™t have a trillion gigagrams of sodium. I really canā€™t eat much, if any of it, without endangering my health.

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Of course! Only mentioned the dragonriding aspect due to the speed difference and how zipping by really fast might cause someone to not notice the orbs.

I personally tend to only use my dragonriding mounts when going long distances and even then only if I want to have to babysit the mount.

Short hops are always on regular mounts, even in Dragon Isles.

Magā€™har Hunter - Survival for my first one. I havenā€™t made it far, but itā€™s a lot of fun. Little rewards to your cloak as you go, every lootable kill providing bronze. Love it.


I used to have Taco Bell for ā€œlunchā€ (actually around 10 am usually) at least 3 days a week. They had a $2 item I liked, though I was often tempted to a chalupa instead. I havenā€™t had it since January when I broke my ankle, and I would definitely eat a chalupa right now, but I also am supposed to watch the sodium, and TB in particular has a LOT.

Did my chore, now having a fairly low effort but not outrageously unhealthy dinner (hummus, crackers, cucumber, Chobani Almond Coco Loco yogurt).

I thought remix was supposed to be faster leveling, but in over 2 hours I got to 16, which doesnā€™t feel that fast to me. Maybe itā€™s me being drowsy and slow in the afternoon.


I feel that. I used to love burgers but now Iā€™m lucky if I can get away with a cheeseburger nowadays. Iā€™m not even sure where this sodium comes from.

Heck Iā€™d love to get breakfast sandwiches again without worrying Iā€™d be downing 1k sodium or so.

And yeah, I was kinda surprised, MoP Remix isnā€™t really all that fast. I think itā€™s getting faster as I go along but the start certainly chugs a bit.

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maybe ill do kul tieran druid.

I have a level 12 Highmountain Druid that has been sitting there since I made him. I think, depending on how much I can play, I might do that one second. Finish level two Allied Races. Iā€™ll feel so accomplished!


I think Iā€™ve finally outgrown Taco Bell, and it makes me sad. I used to love it, but nowadays it just seems like all my favorite items are either super-limited time promos or just off the menu entirely.

I think Iā€™m holding out for Legion II: The Electric Bugbear.

All the valkyr are magical girls.

Illidan and Maeiv breaking out power ballads.

The Legion mothership comes and itā€™s full of polyester-armoured disco bands trying to do come-back tours.

Ysera shredding demons, and not with her claws.


Edit: Also, pleather armour.


Everywhere! Unless you are cooking things from scratch, nearly everything has a lot of added salt. To most people it tastes bland without the salt. Even canned goods have tons like tomato sauce, corn, salsa, etc.

I made home made bread yesterday and it was 3 cups of flour, two teaspoons of salt.

That said, you can buy your own beef and make burger patties then freeze them. You can make your own black beans or pinto beans (base for refried beans) and limit the salt. Go for the cumin, oregano, and chili flakes, etc.

I grew up without processed foods mostly so things tend to taste really salty to me when I buy them in box/can/premade form.

Breakfast sandwiches are kind of a triad of salt/fat though. Eggs for cholesterol, bacon or sausage which is all sorts of salt and nitrates, then cheese which is high in salts and fats - or processed goop for some of it. I love them so much but only rarely eat them and only then if I make them myself.

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I used to make my own burgersā€¦certainly a lot less sodium involved. Maybe I can get some meat and try making some sliders. I recently swapped to swiss cheese which is about 500x healthier thanā€¦whatever American Not-Cheese is supposed to be.

My breakfast ritual is currently two eggs in a realm between over-easy and over-hard, yolk a bit runny but not too bad. Follow that up for a breakfast milk powder mix with frozen fruit for a shake-type beverage. Ton of nutrients and low sodium. I do add a bit of salt to the eggs but outside of that.

Itā€™s just wild to me just to take some food item and dip it in the vat oā€™ sodium but on the plus side, the rampantly rising prices may be a blessing in disguise. :stuck_out_tongue: