[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I have to talk to myself because I’m the only one who has a deep-seeded love for tacos :pleading_face:


I can’t wait to get home today.

The reason I picked a HMT is because I don’t have one at max yet and still need the heritage armor and I chose DK because they’re pretty fast to get around even though we’ll have dragonriding.

Does anyone know if we’ll be able to customize them during remix? Also, will there be professions?

I’m extremely disappointed to learn that archaeology isn’t coming back in it’s original form. I really hope they reconsider that decision. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Sooo umm… There are other things on the menu at Taco Bell you know. You ever try a chalupa? They are quite tasty. Especially when they are nice and fresh :blush:


this is blasphemy!

I refuse and you can’t make me.

The way of the taco is the only true path :pray:


Do soft tacos count at least?

Of course! soft tacos are the best c:


Those are the best tacos because you can actually eat them while driving, and only have to worry a little; as opposed to crunchy tacos, where the shell breaks and you suddenly have a taco salad in your lap. :cry:


Soft Tacos are most certainly the way to go if your eating a taco. I admit I miss working at Taco Bell on occasion. I miss being able to make anything off menu when ever I felt like it. Sooo many options!


Okay have race picked out (male Undead – cause he will be my Cryptkeeper), but still not decided on the class. Swear I am about to assign each class a range of numbers and just do a /roll.

I vote for this! Sounds fun c:


I say… Do it!

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I agree df wouldve been perfect for archeology.

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This is where I am right now. I was threatening to do that earlier! Then my brain started trying to design a class - race generator scheme.

I THINK the first one is going to be Vulpera Monk. I have neither at max level.

Lightforged priest may be next, then Dark Iron Warrior

Last class would be High Mountain Tauren Shaman.

That still leaves me races I have not done. Most of my chars are Rogues or druids. Stealth FTW.


My horde druid and Mage have been neglected and replaced at least once. I think I’m going to start with the druid. Run her as Moonkin. Despite the fact that I will get teased for going back on my word.


Thinking about dark iron dwarf, but what class to play. Now that’s a dilemma.

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Such a dark decision.

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lol Marv just as bad as DWs Star Trek ones.

There is one thing I am wondering about in regards to Remix. Will the servers be treated as they were during MoP originally (i.e., PVP or Normal) OR will they rely on War Mode OR will they just be Normal servers?

Oh good question. I am allergic to PvP.


oh pvp and i dont get along, I took off work to to remix today, and I’m hoping its not PVP

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