[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I’m starting my panda adventure Friday.

I have to do my weekly chores first.

Than I can start rolling.



I’m on-call Saturday, and since it’s the slower time of year for us, I’ll probably get some time then. But I have so much stuff to get done in regular WoW, too.

I haven’t decided what I want to do for the Remix. I feel like I should do a Pandaren, but which class? Never got into Monk. For my newest alt server, I wouldn’t mind a hunter or rogue, but they don’t excite me too much.

Too bad we can’t do a Pandaren Demon Hunter.


I might do a cs lounge community on battlenet if anyone else is interested in Panda shuffling


Gonna make some pepper steak for dinner tonight. Anybody got a recipe for the sauce? Hardmode: Gotta be quick and easy to make.

I thinknill stick with druid for mop i know the class so it should be easy.

I’m going to level my Horde Mage, Druid, Warrior and Shaman. Which are currently Nightborn, Highmountain, Mag’har and Zandalari respectively. Then I have to level a Vulpera of some class.

I have two on the Alliance side to level. A Kul’Tiran and a Dark Iron.

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I’m going Gob Hunter, per usual. In my own personal RP universe it will be a younger version of Guu before present day. Figured it’d be fun to do.

Also jeez. So many ‘banned for PvP’ threads today. Certainly a running theme.

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I still don’t know and it is the day before! This is terrible. I know what classes and races I don’t have, but ugh.

I may go Shadow Priest if they don’t suck because mogs for them are very nice. BUT that is only true if what I get on my Priest unlocks mogs cross armor class. Because otherwise I have to do a leather wearer to unlock all the leather I missed the first MoP.

Mail, I don’t have much for mail either so Shaman?

Vulpera? Tauren?

I really should just assign everything die numbers and roll for it.

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I’m doing warrior, rogue (i have no idea how to play that class), shaman. Those are the 3 I don’t have at max level :stuck_out_tongue:

New mode idea: everything random. Random race/class, random appearance, dropped into the game in a random zone. Do the whole zone storyline, have a definitive finish, award loot/rep. Give the option to move the character live.

Do it multiple times to max out a rep like Plunderstorm.

i made the community. https://blizzard.com/invite/vP24mlOh7p

limited invites. :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel like such a slacker. I didn’t even do my Trading Post stuff last month (though I did hop on long enough to buy things I wanted). Maybe after this weekend, I’ll get my sub back up and work on getting caught up some. I can work on my 10.2.7 stuffs while most others are off on the Remix train, and the initial rush of both has passed.

Also, no hate for our Pandaren brethren, but since I’ll even have to dust off my Darkspear for her heritage armor - token blast from the past.

And now that earworm will be with me for the next week.


I both love and hate this. :slight_smile:

I was leveling my DH, which I never play, for the NE heritage armor. I went in the barber shop and was like, what the heck? I would never have chosen this appearance. I must have just wanted to try DH enough that I just took the random appearance at the time.

With Warbands they were saying that set items of other classes will not be added to the appearance list. Though non-set items will.

Beast mastery, destrolock, frost mage, spriest. Might also consider a devoker so i can get an organic feel for the class. Might level an enhancement shaman and marksman hunter if I have time.

Naturally, all Zandalari save for the evoker.

I’m trying to cut that number down so I’m not so all over the place, and I’m frustrated with myself that none of my choices are melee, save enhancement.

In other news, just saw the new trailer for AC: Shadows. Excited beyond measure, but equally frustrated that it’s dropping three months after SW: Outlaws.


I’m torn between “use fast leveling to get races/classes I don’t already have near max level” and “I want to collect ALL THE THINGS so play my favorite classes which I’m most comfortable with to maximize speed.” In the end I’ll probably start with a paladin, because I always play a paladin. I think I worked out once that around 40% of my many characters are paladins.


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Right? I’m like, Blizz, please, can you not, because I can’t afford to add all the cute things you keep putting in the store.