[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I got nothing to motivate cleaning…

But you can have some hugs


I can burn it down casts fireball.

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Vrak also deserves some lizard experiment hugs!



Vrak hugs are good hugs!


I’ll give you some tacos if you do it c: :taco:

I hope ya’ll are doing well and keeping the stress down. Don’t forget to drink water!



Sure thing. Hope this helps.

I dunno, I always thought his hugs were a bit cold because of being a “Blizzard” employee :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Nahh centaurs are super warm. Like being wrapped in a blanket on a hot day warm! They just run hotter than most :dracthyr_shrug:


Vrak hugs are like comfort food! Warm and safe. Fewer flies in real life.


I need to vent and while this may not be the best place to do so, here i am :pleading_face: the last couple of years have been rough (i know it has been for a lot of folks) single parent , 1 income and it’s just not enough. Cost of living is now more then i make even full time and i honestly don’t know what to do… it’s at a point i can’t afford to get to work… send a prayer my way if you can :heart:



I’d argue that this is a perfect place for this sort of sentiment Elledreaux. Times have not been easy for a LOT of people in many places and countries. Where I live, here in Canada, food prices have sky-rocketed while the massive grocery chains pull record profits in the BILLIONS. It’s disgusting and it’s hurting everyone.

We’re a single-income family right now too, only there are 4 of us. My wife, myself and our 2 kids. It’s not easy. We scrape by the best we can and I think that’s more common than most want to talk about.

So if nothing else, know that you’re seen and I fully commend you for holding your own as a single parent too. Nothing but love and respect to you and your family.


Thanks Perl❤️ i also live in Canada but in Alberta. I’ve got less then $70 until payday in 2 weeks. It’s just me and my 2 kids. it’s brutal how expensive everything is



That’s terrible. I know you’ll make it, but that’s terrible.


the worst part is i don’t drive so have to take a taxi to work as it’s just a bit too far to walk and unsafe at 11pm… it’s about $120 a week even with a flat rate… no one that has a car is available with my crazy shift changes soo i’m stuck with a taxi that i can’t afford :roll_eyes:

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I wish I could have a job still, but it has been hard getting one here lately, especially with the cost of living here in Australia. And my partner is struggling too, since he owns his own truck and the maintenence on that does cost a lot. Everywhere is doing it tough.

I’m sorry you’re struggling :frowning: It seems like every year the price of everything goes up but people are still getting paid the same. Everything is just so expensive.

Hang in there, you’ll figure things out and things will get better :people_hugging:


Your hugs are the best hugs, Papa V!


Really? Then I gotta attempt to give him a hug when he is on next. I might even pounce from the corner to give him a hug too.


Me too, me too! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

You take the west corner and I’ll take the east corner. If we tackle him at the same time, he can’t dodge our hugs! :smiley:

It is fool proof, trust me.


A serious suggestion, ask for an “accommodation” on the grounds that you have children and are a single parent providing for them. Go directly to HR and ask for paperwork to fill out an accommodation as they may be legally required to change your shift for you.

I know in Ontario we have laws in place that require an employer to consider making accommodations based on individual needs. Not sure if they have a similar set of laws in Alberta, but perhaps it is something that you can look into.

I know everyone is talking about Vrak hugs, but I’m going to toss you a Perl hug Elle. They’re less “hoof-y” and fly-free since '93.