[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Thanks Vrak for that huge hint at something. We all now know something is coming :wink:

I haven’t really played my hunter much, but since I have more of a Blood Elf starter appearance for the mail armor, I thought might of well make my void elf look like a Blood Elf ranger that decided to help the Void Elves.



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I’ve scared Vrak with my youtube offerings.

Can’t help, Vrak is feeling a bit “blue

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yes good kimchi can be hard to find, i have that issue as well.

My problem with the Hobbit is that they stretched a relatively short book out into 3 full length movies.


Peter Jackson thought he could’ve pulled it off with the Hobbit as he did with the Lord of the Rings, but it failed big time. Should’ve just been one movie.

Lord of the Rings is 3 good sized book.

The Hobbit isn’t.


Best not to read too much into something that hasn’t been explicitly stated.

My little floof-demon is due for her annual vet visit. They all ooh and aww over her, but they’ve never experienced her 3am zoomies, from one end of the house to the other, body-checking my bedroom door.

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The hobbit movies werent bad.

Also new season of doctor who dropped today.


I mean, the first 2 were quite boring actually, where it seemed that most of the movie trilogy were focused mostly in the final movie. Unlike Lord of the Rings, the Hobbits just didn’t work out as a trilogy.

Was it because they werent

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Hope you all having a great evening!

Just got home from work. So get to enjoy a few days off now as my next shift is Wednesday night. Hoping everyone up North here is safe. Apparently Ft. Nelson in Northern British Columbia tonight got evacuated due to a massive out of control wildfire.


Best cartoon ever!

As soon as the 
 new Reboot was announced I went and bought the DVD set. It aged really really well.

@Rufflebottom – You missed the H on your URL for the Bug Report support article in that post.

Got it. Eventually. :grinning:


Successfully took all 3 cats to the rabies clinic! I only got peed on a little bit. They even help carry the cats from the car and back again for me.

Also tried on some of my favorite older clothes, summer dresses, etc. They FIT again. It has been 10 years but now that my health is a bit better I have lost weight. They don’t fit exactly the same now, but I have a whole wardrobe back again! Now, if I only went out. Heh. Kind of excited to think I have things I could wear to a BBQ or restaurant if I ever went to one.


Working airshow EMS. Beautiful day. Blue Angels flying later

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Anyone caught a glimpse of the Aurora from the solar storm? I missed out tonight because of the rain here, but could’ve been seen here in Sydney, if had a clear night