[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I remember that one - don’t think I watched much of it, but I remember it.

Phew. Back home from hospital with questions answered and a path paved to a liver transplant.

…It feels too silly to mention this but while still unwell I have to keep a…sickness balance? If too well they’ll be like ‘hah this chump doesn’t need a new liver’ which is dangerous, while if I fall too ill I’ll quite possibly expire before I can get anything.

It’s like a WoW resource.

Either way, happy to be home and set on this path, off work next week, full working from home the work after. Got a bit of time to game after all.

@Partzuarz, yeah, and it was in that early 3D ‘Reboot’ kind of style. Also had some musical numbers. Let me see if I can link my favorite even if I’m not TL3.


(Also man Reboot was fun.)

I think my favorite cartoon was Rugrats. Equal balance of silly babies doing things and the existional, sometimes nightmareish thing known as adulthood with a healthy dose of surrealism. Something for everyone!


Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Maybe I shouldn’t tempt fate that way. Fate has a wicked sense of humor. Anyways, I followed the Batmobile home from the restaurant. It pulled out of a neighborhood and just cruised down the road. If it was someone’s hobby they did an excellent job. :eyes:


One of my favorite series. They did a reboot of Reboot a while back and it ended up being humans jumping in to save… I guess mainframe? I don’t remember, I watched one episode and I just couldn’t. No Bob or Enzo? Hexadecimal? No thanks.


Reboot gaurdians wasnt bad megabyte came in the final season it was interesting.

No, I liked that one. That’s with Enzo grown up, right? I consider that part of the Reboot.


I mean the real people rebott tho i did like the adult season and the movies.

The Guardian Code? I only watched the first episode. Didn’t catch my interest.

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Thats fair not for rhe older generation mite be a bit to modern for your geriatric hooves lol.

Laughs You’d be surprised by the things I find to watch. I probably would have been fine with it under a different title. That it was “Reboot” and then not fully computer animated just was too much of a disappointment.


The classic reboot was good alot memories and cross overs mortal kombat sailor moon.

The mog looks great!


Ok now I gotta throw down and watch the super Mario brothers super show, and yes the Zelda’s to…… excuuuuuuuuuuse me princess.

Y’all making me feel old.


Lol first time ive been used as a necro i think 2yr necro old but ive seen older.

Think the worse I saw was from 5 years ago.

Not happy to hear you are so sick, but it is great that you are making progress towards a live saving solution! Glad you also have some time to game and relax.

Having stupid panic attacks here because I have to go somewhere tomorrow. Somewhere I have been two or three times in the past decade. One mile to a clinic for my cats. One stupid mile and my body is freaking out. I suspect I am just worried about the cats more than anything else. Nobody is going to be judging me for anything and I don’t have to get dressed up. I don’t even have to do paperwork because I already registered. I just have to get the cats in carriers and get there in one piece.

Two of 3 cats are easy. The third one peed all over me last I had to catch and crate her.



That was really the biggest hurdle: Trying to figure out who to even start talking to. It sucks having to go into ER and then be transported from an hour away hospital…but more progress was there by the docs than the last five months. I’m hopeful. Thank you for the kind words.

Taking care of animals is always really hard for me when they fall ill. I do what I can (I also let my mom know because she’s a friggin’ savant when it comes to healing pets and just animals in general) but it’s real painful to see them suffer. Especially if they’re cage/car unfriendly.

Still, you got this, you seem to care for your pets a lot and a lot of the legwork is done. :hugs:


The good news is they are not ill! This is a routine vaccine clinic to get their legally required rabies vaccines. In my state they are required and it is required that a vet be the one to see them and provide the vaccine. A vet visit costs between $75 and $100 just to be seen, then more for any testing and vaccine. I can’t afford that anymore for 3 cats.

Our Health Depart has a clinic they do every year for $7 per pet, and the vaccine lasts 3 years. So, I can pay $21 dollars for 3 cats to ensure they meet the legal requirements in my state or I can spend something like $375 each year for the 1 year shot at the vet.

I have an old house. There has been a bat in here before and that means there is a risk, however slim. If they ever escaped they would have to be quarantined and if they ever bit someone that could result in them being euthanized for not having vaccines. So. This is important to keep them up to date on their vaccines!

I have no reason to be panicking. Stupid brain. I have done this before and 2 of the 3 are easy cats.


Oooh, I understand. That I did not know. I know all too well how the brain wants to say silly things to hold you back.

If worse comes to worse you can see if you can get OOC supplements to promote relaxation for this trip. Then they get their vacs and bam, safe!

A bit similar, I have to find a local support group due to my past drinking problem which is…uncomfortable. Docs want it though so I’ll find one but I have no idea what to expect with it.