[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

kinda looks like one tho

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I have been kind of quiet this weekend. The date I had planned for last Friday fell through, got stood up at the restaurant, and I got ghosted. Oh well, single life for meā€¦

So, I ended up cleaning my house, just the kitchen now. Need to wipe down the counters and mop the floors.


Sorry :frowning:


Storm dont give up, you will find someone.

Finally got the 36 slot bag tonight.


If itā€™s any consolation, Iā€™ve lived a lonely and miserable life for the last thirty years. I got the glorious foundation of being an ugly freak (half blind, half deaf, deformed right arm with right eye shut most of the time in bright light), and to put the cherry on top of the moldy cake, I lost the one person I truly needed in my life because my brotherā€™s a greedy bastard and stole from a treasured friendā€™s sister, causing said friend to turn on me and exile me from her life. He stole her sisterā€™s ring and I got to pay for the crime I had nothing to do with.

Problem is, I actually did need her, as sheā€™s the only one Iā€™ve ever trusted enough to open up to, what with being the ugly freak and at the same time practically owning the entirety of the autism spectrum (~96% of the traits apply to me, including all of those for Asperger), in addition to being bullied and beaten multiple times as a child due to the difference in appearance and gait (one of my legs can straighten out properly as I walk while the other doesnā€™t). Her family gave me the only safe haven Iā€™ve ever known. Now sheā€™s got her own family, so even if she didnā€™t hate me anymore, Iā€™m kinda screwed up one side and down the other.

With any luck youā€™ll bounce back. If you can get someone to at least agree to a date (whether or not they got cold feet later), youā€™ve still got a fighting chance. :slight_smile:


Reason #50,126,982 to hate Windows:

Through multiple software updates/Windows install I was greeted with ā€œUnable to connect to \\NEWSERVER. Name does not match.ā€ when trying to map a network drive so I could reinstall Carestream Practiceworks on a computer that had an OS failure caused by a power outage. Bloody problem stymied me for two months.

The actual problem? I needed to use the serverā€™s own account as the login credentials. And I only finally stumbled upon that realization when I randomly decided to try logging into the server via remote desktop. Now for obvious reasons that isnā€™t set up on the server so as to protect the patient data, but I figured ā€œwhat the hell :woman_shrugging:ā€ and gave that a shot to see what error would pop up. It came up ā€œEither remote desktop is not enabled or your donā€™t have the proper credentials to log into the serverā€. The last half of that error finally clued me in to what might be hanging me up and lo and behold, once I used the serverā€™s account and password as the login credentials, I could map the network drive easy peasy.

Surely Windows could have given me a proper error regarding credentials when thatā€™s the hangup, right? Noooooooo. Microsoftā€™s software engineers are apparently just as braindead as Appleā€™s SEs are and just made a generic ā€œIt doesnā€™t match, hurr durrā€ error that is the catch-all for literally anything wrong with connecting to a server.

Once I got past that issue getting everything up and running was a breeze, minus a brief hangup with the Apteryx E2V TWAIN installer saying ā€œAnother application is handling the registration. Please close this application and reopen itā€ when trying to authenticate the serial number for that workstation. The problem there? I didnā€™t have administrator privileges because Practiceworks doesnā€™t run as admin and thus couldnā€™t grant the TWAIN registration app elevated privileges to write the bloody license file to the drive. I had to close everything down and open the installer app manually with admin privs (once I found out where it was buried) before it let me register the driver. ARGH.

I really, really wish it was a hard requirement for software engineers to actually use their work in a real environment before shipping it out to the masses and calling it a day. I swear theyā€™re the digital era version of the engineers that designed the awful VCRs from the 80s and 90s that had UIs so horrible you often gave up trying (anyone thatā€™s ever used a Sony VCR knows what Iā€™m talking about - Zenith had it right and Sonyā€™s units were a plague to be avoided).

Bonus points to me for having the foresight to actually make multiple backups of that Apteryx installer since they charge $2000 just to re-download it from their website. This is why Iā€™m a packrat.

Just to add insult to injury, just fought 3 Dr. Booms at once and still no bag for that alt, lol.

Also, in case you were wondering how dead Twisting Nether is in war mode ā€“ dead enough for 3 of the event bosses to spawn and wait around for someone to kill them.


It took five days to get the bag on my hunter. I got it on probably six alts while trying to get it on the hunter. It finally dropped this morning.

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Yeah, I had an attempt earlier that had only 2 other players and I thought a bag was inevitable.

Not a singe thing dropped, not even a mouse.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Cleaning can be therapeutic. I do similar things when life throws unexpected curves at me.

Iā€™m super busy at work, taking a break, and my shadow is beside me. Say hello to Yoki, or, as I love to call her, Yoki-Bear. Sheā€™s a working-line German Shepherd, very large for a female. Sheā€™s giving me a sad face because she wants to go on a long walk. Weā€™ll do that on my lunch break.


macOS for the win, kinda wish I knew how to post pics of my dogs for you guys seeing I donā€™t have TL3

Use the ā€œPreformatted textā€ button (next to the quote button on the toolbar). Just like this:


Thatā€™s definitely not a current photo - itā€™s snowing here today. :frowning:


I have a dog show in camrose Alberta this weekend, and snow is expected.


You can also just put a tilde ( ` ) on each end of the URL, might be easier. Upper left corner of most QWERTY keyboards.

Unless they updated that option out recently.

~ is a tilde. ` is a grave accent.

If you put 2 tildes on either side of a word/phrase, you get strikeout.

Just re-watched the 50 DKP Minus video, because someone mentioned it in a post on reddit. BWAHAHAHA!

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I got my Hearthstone mount finally! Also another mouse. Now, one more bag and my alts over level 60 are set.

I drove a long way yesterday for the first time in over 5 years. It was 3 hours round trip to somewhere I have not been before. My sibling got a new home 2 years ago and I finally went to visit her on Sunday. Had a lovely visit and stayed for a corned beef and cabbage dinner. I brought the fresh crusty bread.

Anxiety was through the roof and I canā€™t take meds + drive. So, I crashed when I got home which is not a shock. Slept until 12:30pm today which never happens. Cats let me sleep. They are well trained, thankfully. Will probably take it easy today unless I take some of the leftover panic out on the kitchen with some deep cleaning.

I find cleaning really therapeutic like a few other folks here. It lets me have control and see immediate results.


The one from logging into Hearthstone or the one that drops in the event?

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This one. For some reason the boss would not give it to me! However, he finally did. Which means unless I really want bags for lower level alts I am DONE. Such a good feeling.

Of course, I will prob try for the bag on the lower alts, but all my 70s are done!


Many whelps! Handle it!