[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I had a few after the pre-patch. I gave a bunch away. I still have one though.

Reeceā€™s Peanut Butter Cups are the best by far.

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Im more of a coffee crisps or kit kat my self.

I 100% agree! Oh lord, now I want some Reeseā€™s :rofl: But which ones are better, dark chocolate or milk chocolate Reeseā€™s??

Edit to add: I prefer the milk chocolate myself, probably should have said that earlier :laughing:

It was a questline during 1.11 to introduce the raid.

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/10 char


Concur, I prefer the peanut butter version, but both are good.

Though, when I was stationed in the U.K., I did grow a liking for the chunky version of the Kit Kat bar they had. I was always on the hunt for the dark (plain) chocolate version. The chocolate over there tasted better.

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Blizz was dropping Scourge mobs everywhere. You could have looted it just from the mobs spawning and chasing you. No real participation needed beyond logging in. You got attacked in capital cities too.


I think I have one from the Naxx event and another from the Wrath event.

But what of the thin versions of each? What say you of those? :thinking:

my stance has not changed


That new short story is a great read.



They have the creator of thotbot here lol good times playes can be creative and jerks lol.


I forgot I had an NPC. It wasnā€™t put in game though :frowning:

The pet doesnā€™t count?

Oh damnā€¦ I never realized that was Ant Manā€™s skullā€¦

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So more on my weekend adventure with Korean food.



  • Tell me before taking a picture so I can at least stage the table! Also tell me the number of actual sides. He added Kimchi.
  • Chicken stew stuff is fantastic and I would eat that forever. Also medium grain rice is nice and sticky! Quite nice with it.
  • The radish dish is better the second day. It was kind of oddly disjointed and earthy when first served.
  • He forgot the soy sauce on the spinach dish. Bitter and not so great with just sesame oil and seeds. Much better with soy sauce the second day.
  • The brand of kimchi was what we could get at a Chinese market, and seems to be a miss. I have been promised better kimchi from a Korean market in the future. I liked it, except the taste at the end. It was just odd and fishy. I donā€™t like fishy.

I would try Korean again though.


nah I also had an outright NPC but it didnā€™t make it fully in the game :frowning:

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