[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I usually have my crafter create them before I go to bed, then she does it until I get timed out.


this is something that’s been bothering me for quite some time, and i don’t know if any one has a true answer or not…but were/are you able to actually SEE Naxxramas in the skies above the Plaguelands back in Vanilla/Classic/SoD/Hardcore? .-.


Yes, it was in the Plaguelands I believe, there was a teleporter to get there. There was a non-instance one I believe for quests, but also a instance entrance.


Wondering about this, and generally wanting to see how things were back then, is actually the #1 reason I want to level a classic character. But I guess it isn’t quite enough motivation on its own since my only classic character is like level 8. 60 is super fast in retail but it’s a long way off in classic.

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I have a couple of SS I took in Vanilla. This was EPL right outside Strat:


I had to grab it from my FB since I’m at work, but I have another one on my little mage or warlock on my home pc. He was in another zone, can’t remember which atm.

I’ll try to remember to post it when I get home.


Greetings from the Plaguelands!

My level 16 Warlock on Classic Era went on an adventure today.


AFAIK you can still see Nax from inside Strath.

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Did you know that in Live you can see the out-of-bounds Quel’thalas zone now? The expanded draw distance of the graphics engine lets you see all the way to the north shore if you are flying high near the invisible ceiling, just outside the entrance to the city. The ancient Nelf themed tower in the closed off zone is directly north of the city on the world map.
No exploitation required


I should just do that! I have done the corpse run to get to places not intended for low levels many, many times. Back in Wrath I visited Dalaran at like level 40. I don’t think it works the same in retail now - I think now if you try to res at a graveyard far from where you started/died, it kicks you back where you “belong.” Haven’t tried it in ages though, so I might have that all wrong.

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I did a mad run on a level 18 Druid from Borean Tundra to the transport stone in Crystalsong Forest. I think I died once (just lucky). Then I needed to get a mage to port me to Dalaran because you have to use the port in Dal before the one in Crystalsong Forest is usable.


Well, damn…

Was gonna do some image editing for a friend of mine, so I get on my computer and was like “Where is it?” It dawned on me, since I got my new computer 6 months ago, I forgot to install Photoshop.


Lawn day again and I did it all! Weather was cooperative. It does not hurt as badly as it did although I do it in sections with rest in between. Also finished weeding a bed and mulched it finally! Free mulch from another project on the street that was given to me.

We should finally get rain this weekend which we badly need. Apparently a friend plans to introduce me to Korean food tomorrow. So that should be interesting. He plans to cook things here so I don’t have to go out which is awesome. Mostly done the house chores too.

Might make a chocolate cake and ask him to pick up some strawberries…


I can see that working from both entrances to Northrend.

If it says kimchi, best stay away unless you don’t mind your innards trying to jump to the outside to cool off. Soooooooo spicy.


I once did a corpse run from the Vale (Pandaria) to Timeless Isle. I wanted to take the portal to Draenor on Timeless. I was able to rez on Timeless thankfully without being ported back to the Vale.

When I tried rezzing in Classic earlier it would port me back to the zone in which I died. So it was a matter of swimming as much as possible (so to avoid mobs) – which helped a great bit until I made it to the Plaguelands and had to start going over land more.

He promises me not too hot and not too fishy. So we shall see what happens. Seeing as he is making things from scratch I should be safe. He won’t have time to ferment kimchi! A nice crunchy refrigerator pickle type dish is a possibility though. I am a bit worried. It is very far out of my experience range.

So were a lot of things though and I ended up liking them. Like sushi. I blame Nevalistis in large part. We did a sushi lunch during Blizzcon week that was fantastic and really gave me a chance to try a lot of different things.


Korean food is great. We have a HUGE Korean population here where I live. There is a traditional Korean shop downtown I got to. I order Kimchee Soup all the time when I dine in.


Oh, Neva. How I miss her presence on here. <3

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Also! Yus! Have zee best hat.