[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

That was exactly what I was thinking! It could be really good if it’s about her joining the rebels and meeting some characters from other shows or movies. :dracthyr_uwu:

Or live actio.

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I am a sad sad Kings fan


Holy Moly the weather for the next week looks warm. The next weekend (not this one) will be in the 80’s. I may have to plant my tomatoes early. They are in little pots on the deck and are growing like mad. If worse comes to worse, I can cover them. :thinking:


Xmen 97 theroy spoiler read at your own risk.

ok i feel there going fatal atractions for the end of season 1 and setting up onslaught for season 2 this is very similar wirh what they did with magneto in fatal atraction which resulted in him ripping out wolverines adamantium and xavier mind wiping magneto resulting in the creation of onslaught.

Well. Exciting Wednesday and Thursday. Currently in the ER again as I type this.

Started having fluid build up in my gut again thanks to mostly destroyed liver. I had a draining procedure appointment lined up so didn’t pay it any mind. This was a mistake. (Also one of my doctors completely downplayed it and, hey, it’s a doctor)

Anyway took a short day on Wednesday because of family drama before realizing, “Wow feel ilke junk” and laid down. For almost the whole day. Eventually I call my folks and ask them to drive me to ER because I’m worried of driving in my current state.

After waiting for about an hour in the ER we go in. I was extremely cold and found out why: My blood pressure was around 76/24. Especially low and potentially fatal. Also made me extremely cold.

Despite the dismal blood pressure I was ushered back to the waiting room due to it being stuffed before being wheeled off. Turned out I had a instantanious bacteria that triggered septis and can do so when it wants.

2 AM after some scans, folks head home, figure nothing is happening tonight so bed time. Super Helpful Doc comes in and says ‘oh we’re doing draining now’ And I’m just like “Oh…okay.”

Went without a hitch, helped a whole lot in a variety of ways. Got some temporary IVs put and started dialisis since the blood got infected.

The staff have been absolutely top tier and have been a huge help, explaining things in great detail. Bit exhausted but getting all this stuff done is a huge help. Even offering to take me to liver specialists in another town to expedite the liver transplant process! A struggle that has been going for months. And they’ll take me by chopperf! I neverf rode one! :helicopter:

Things are a lot better now and should be here a week. Maybe when things calm a bit I’ll actually have time for WoW. :laughing: My goblin won’t level himself!

I understand I may have brushed severe consequences with my hesitation to go to the ER, which is why it’s important to go as soon as you can tell something is wrong. But hey, negative turned into a positive.

Just wanted to say to take care of yourself and take care of problems before they get worse. You all are cool folks and I would certainly miss posting here if something happened.

Take care of yourselves, enjoy WoW and Cata, and MoP Remix when it comes out! :panda_face:


Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


Nope. When there is a big back and forth I often try to figure out where it started (sometimes the originating post is reported) and when removing and/or penalizing that post we try to remove any posts that replied to it.

We can’t specifically see which posts will be nuked ahead of times, it’s just any post that replied to that one. Sometimes it’s just a single reply, I did one that ended up being about 86 posts. O.o

Most of the time it has nothing to do with what you said, but where it started.


I haven’t watched the Bad Batch, I still need to watch the other series one of these days. '97 I haven’t seen the last couple of episodes (I got distracted by some gaming and Dead Boy Detectives). I’ll probably watch them in the next day or so.


what should i watch, i’m in need of recommendations.

You will have to tell me what you think of my thery when u get caught up. Sad to see bad batch over but it ended well.

If you haven’t yet, you should watch Ashoka.


Avatar the last airbender percy jackson moon knight…

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watched that at least. (crying while wearing my Kings jersey)

moon knight was boring, I’m too adhd to watch avatar, percy jackson might be a worthwhile shot

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How I met your mother is a good laugh



I am not sure what is going on, in this thread, but one thing I noticed is your ER trips. I am very familiar with blood pressure numbers and what they represent, so I will join my friend Kyzera in wishing you the very best and from what you have already written, I know already that you are very attentive to your vital signs and know what to do and when.

So speedy recovery to you, and whatever else is happening, may it be rectified in such a way that no one misses a second of WoW!

May Light Bless us all.


I don’t have the Vulpera and Zandalari troll on Horde, and Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran and Mechagnome. Actually speaking of which, I don’t even have the mechagnomes unlocked still.

I tend to get bored at expansions end and start doing random stuff.

I appreciate it. The dialisys procedure is going well and as mentioned a liver transplant will go a good long way. I didn’t know my pressure going in: I was literally seeing spots all over and felt like I was going to pass out. In between feeling freezing and the above I was down right terrified.

My mom was with me. She could tell I wasn’t doing hot.

Anyway I’ll get there, may not even have to stick to my handheld 100% of the time anymore and get more done. :stuck_out_tongue: Certainly no more drinking too much playing WoW that’s for sure.


Looks at the 34k pieces of Netherweave Cloth on my Shammy. When am I ever gonna have the time to make all these bolts?!?