[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I’ve ended up tanking Ozruk on my Frost Mage cause I was the last one standing after multiple wipes during Timewalking. Amazingly I survived. Ice block and its self-heal for the win!

It is always such a fun run leading up to him with all those mobs by him.


It was a nice send off leaves the door open for a spin off.

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Same here, never got around to Alliance side Allied Races other than unlocking them. I foresee a Kul Tiran Druid and Mechagnome Hunter in my future.

That’s next on my list after I finish Castlevania.

The only ha im missing is dreani and trolls.

I’m missing Mechagnomes, but I still haven’t unlocked them.

Wow that thread went dark rather fast.

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Eh just as dark as something happening at the EU forums, it’s reported but I think the forum mods are asleep @_@

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I have a feeling they are gona be introducing season 2 villain in the s1 finale of xmen 97 would be a interesting choice since the villain one of the most OP villians in marvel history.

Hey Fuzz, I hope that this properly tags you so that you see this. I didn’t want to derail that other thread, so I thought I would answer you quickly here :wink:

I’ve been a pretty consistent poster in the CS forums for over 10 years. I think even closer to 15 years at this point.

Generally speaking, they look for CS or TS MVPs by looking at players who are knowledgeable, constructive, accurate, willing to learn, build relationships that are constructive with other regulars…things like that. But they also try not to have too many so that we don’t end up drawing threads in green text too.

We are also expected to know and follow the rules as best as possible. That said, we’re not expected to be perfect either. We’re all human (beep-boop) and can make mistakes. It’s just important for us to all to remember to learn from them. You’ll never see me posting that I’m perfect, all-knowing or anything like that. I’m a life-long learner and am happy to be corrected by the many knowledgeable people here in the CS forums of all text colours!

I hope that helps!


I sees it! Idk how you did that but ty for the info! :smiley:


Do they screen people before they can be MvP’s? Forum action, how a person interacts with the community.

Not wanting to be one, just curious.

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I imagine so. I’ve never had any in-game or forum actions, but I imagine if I had a bunch of marks on my account (in-game or here) that it would have raised some red-flags :wink:

There is a little more detail in the link below about the MVP program in general too. I’m not too sure if the email address in it is still valid or not to be completely honest though.

I see Mirasol typing too and I know she’s got a LOT of great info when it comes to this sort of question too :wink:



I had a few… I’ll admit. Not in game but on the forums.

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Yes. For years and years. After posting on the TS/CS forums constantly for years where the Blues see how you interact with others, your ability to constructively phrase answers, your communication skills overall, someone MIGHT get asked if they want to be in the MVP program. They usually only have one or two per game forum for TS/CS. Only WoW has a CS forum at all, of course.

Now, that said MVPs don’t have to check their personality at the door. We can have snark, humor, opinions, and thoughts. They are not robots and most certainly disagree with Blizzard, or corporate Blizzard, at times. We just have to phrase that disagreement in a civil and hopefully constructive way. No ranting and wanting people fired type of stuff. Heh. Keep the drama llamas in the barn.

The last CS/TS MVP was Perl who was turned green in 2019. That happened as other people just sort of moved on in life and were not really posting anymore so it made a bit of room.

There are folks who are mostly on the TS side of the CS/TS MVPs too, like Nicole over on Overwatch/Battlenet/sometimes WoW. Bluspacecow, Northernlight
The other greens you see are left from the WoW Community Program possibly. That was last revised in 2018 and they had people apply for it, so vetting was different. Only one or two of those still post on the Americas forums. Not sure on EU. Diablo Community MVP program is totally mothballed. I am the last. Starcraft is mothballed and I am not sure if anyone is left. Other games never had Community MVP programs.

There ARE also a few other random ones around for Macros/API like Schiller and MysticalOS.

Years, it takes years to get into the program if there is space. So yeah, they generally know how we post.

They do check, but it does not mean someone can’t be an MVP just because they had an action in the past. As long as it was minor and not repeated they make a judgement on letting that go. Twenty years is a long time to hold reports or minor infractions against someone.


Yep! If there is a potential MVP that either I found or one of my colleagues has brought to me, one of the things I do is go through their history to see if there are any forum penalties, etc… Having them doesn’t disqualify you, it usually depends on what, how often and how long ago.

I only handle the Support MVPs though, I can’t speak for how Community Management does it.


I can sort of. I got the chance to talk to the CMs about the whole process at some point after the MVPs were chosen. I somehow ended up in the middle of it last WoW Community MVP program revamp in 2018. They used an application process similar to the current Community Council program. I was helping out with answering questions, explaining the program, etc. I did not actually apply! So they did not personally know the history of all the applicants and some slip through who might not have a lot of actual infractions, but are not so …polite. I am not sure how to put this. Some have been controversial and removed from those programs.

Do we even have anyone else who has ended up in 3 MVP programs and the Council?


I have a lot of comments removed when ya’ll do the thread lock stuff and all that so hopefully that doesn’t affect anything ._.

Some stuff it’s like, “why was that removed?” and it’s where you all delete sections and it just gives me a little green notification thingy.

It does not impact anything. I have thousands of removed comments I am sure. I wade into some of those topics to provide support articles, explain forum rules, etc. It does let the poster know what is going on so they hopefully know why the Mod removes it. heh

Now, if you have so many individual comments reported and removed on your own…they are likely to remember that one.


What did u think of bad batch and xmen 97 I realy think there setting up a bigger villain for season 2.

WOOOT the Oilers eliminated the kings last night!!!