[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Hope you feel better soon.


Cell phone froze on me took it to one cell place their tech guy wasnt in till 2 took it to another place took it outa its case had it unfrozen in 20 sec sigh joy of modern technology.

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Glad it got fixed so easy

I was expecting a 80-100$ fix didnt cost anything.

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Thatā€™s amazing - congrats!

While I am absolutely not an artist by any means, I have commissionedā€¦a lot of art over the years of my many characters. Iā€™ve caught people on my own realm using my charactersā€™ art as their own, both in their TRPs, their icons on Discord, even on the MG Wiki Iā€™ve had to work with the moderators to prove the characters were mine and that folks had grabbed it, then tried to cover their butts saying it was ā€œinspirationā€ pieces - not actual art of their specific characters.

Most of the artists do copyright their work at least. I just hate having that watermark spread across art that I paid good money for to have for myself, my RP partners and to have in my charactersā€™ TRPs.

But my rambling aside, Iā€™m glad you went for them and came away like a boss.


Thats a shame i loved her wow books and other books i hope she keeps writing wow book or will she make it a clean break.



I did the thing. Level 40 in Plunderstorm.

After I knew I had enough plunder for the achievement, I memeā€™d out:

http s://imgur.com/a/nQaZTXo

It was only fair after all the chickens I slaughtered. And raptors and tarantulas and moonkin and gryphons. Fare thee well, Plunderstorm!


Masterful procrastination wins again. Renown 40 in Plunderstorm, just in time to call it a night before reset.



I havenā€™t been in since I hit 40. I was about to say, 45 minutes until daily reset, I should drop in once more just because. Then I remembered maintenance should have started already. So long, Plunderstorm, wonā€™t really miss you.

I guess the thing I should do today is decide what I want from trading post. That ship mount is so cute but if I remember right, itā€™s ground only and Iā€™ll probably never use it.

Tried it lost interest more interested in mop remix.

That mount does fly.

it is a flying mount, but it is NOT a passenger mount. Nor does it float/waterwalk.

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Grats! I just havenā€™t felt much like playing lately, as you probably know. I had logged on in a few weeks ago and tried it out. Had hardly any idea what I was doing, got killed and just noped out, lol! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I wouldnā€™t have minded so much, I think, if I didnā€™t have to wait to try again. Itā€™s not a huge deal for me to miss out on. :dracthyr_uwu:

I think the event wouldā€™ve been better if there was more variety. Maybe they drop in new abilities each week, or shift the meta (like they did with Fire Whirl early on), or change the map to keep people guessing. I also think they shouldā€™ve had a quicker path for players who didnā€™t want to PvP (the 2x was fantastic), but also more rewards for those who continued playing it after level 40.

All in the learning experience, Iā€™m sure. But like I said when the event started, I feel this event was more about testing new concepts, like the tab on the character selection screen and how reputation is shared across a Bnet account instead of per character. Stuff that weā€™ll see more of in the future.


Youā€™d think out of all the mounts in the game, a boat would be able to have enhanced movement on water.

At least thereā€™s the turtles, I supposeā€¦

I do want to try Plunderstorm. Maybe if the next patch gives me a reason to resub.


The event ended today. The next patch will bring Mists of Pandaria Remix.

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Oh, pff. Never mind then. So fashionably late to the party that the party ended before I showed. :stuck_out_tongue:


If the achievements associated with it are anything to go by, it likely will be back. Someone did the math and it appears to have likely been physically impossible to get the 1,000,000 plunder during the event.

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I know of at least one person who got the 1 million plunder achievement early into the event.

Oh Iā€™m sure. Seems like itā€™d be a waste to have it one and done.

Iā€™m having flashbacks of OW where the best mode, PvE, was only limited time and showedā€¦once on a very blue moon.

I am pretty interested in giving MoP Remix a shot though. MoP was one of my favorite expansions, lot of good memories with that one.

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