[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

I just bought 4 tomato plants. It’s way too soon to plant them, but if you wait too long you get the runts of the litter. I’ll put them out in the morning and bring them in as needed. About two or three weeks should be okay. This year is a bit warmer than usual though.


wise man says: when you teach a wolf to meditate, then that wolf…becomes aware wolf.


It is now…

The neighbors have a beautiful flowering tree that was flowering on Wednesday. Then we had two nights at or below freezing. The beautiful flowers are pretty much all falling off now.

Was out of power for a bit today, they had to cut some trees that was hanging on a line. They killed the power for a few hours.

ooh, character services are on sale until May 7th huh? that’s tempting… ­¬.¬ debating about whether to change my Druid or my old Hunter. wouldn’t mind making a Night Elf one this time around honestly.

Not to put you off character services, but the Mists of Pandaria Remix might be a good opportunity to level a Night Elf character fairly fast. :smiley:

I’m thinking about a Mag’har Hunter myself.


well, my Hunter is only lvl 20 atm. (still stuck there, due to an inactive sub) so it wouldn’t be outright bad any way. sips from his tankard

i should consider renewing too, cause that would help a lot as well. start collecting traders tender again, try to get that Zevara mount i’ve got “on hold” for the last few months now.


Yeah, I am thinking this might be a great chance to review my achievements, heritage armors, classes. Depending on how long it takes I might even do more than one.

But also Alpha … and gearing alts…and Palia… and and and


LOL yep, story of a gamer. I have such a backlog of games to play, stuff I’ve started on my Quest 3 that I never finished… I think I’m only a few chapters into Assassin’s Creed VR (I got distracted trying to find all the hidden stuff). Easy earlier on but they really hide stuff as you go on. sheesh.

Yeah, for Alpha, I will probably play something I don’t plan on playing when it launches, that’s how I did it with Legion and had a blast.


I have played Rogue for 20 years so I kind of use it to judge everything by. I have other alts, but find it frustrating to try to learn a class while trying to sort out new content and report bugs.

I am NOT going to let myself get so into it I ruin the expansion launch though. It is like filling up on desert until you get sick.


Oh jeez, that’s reminding me of the backlog I built up. Not just on Steam where there’s a healthy amount of games I want to dabble in, but I’ve been collecting and playing through PS2 games. Ace Combat 4 is my most recent completion which is…mwah. Chef’s kiss. Lovely game.

I’m still gearing my Trial up as much as I can, but man, the trinket drop rates are…not great. Finally gave up on Stormstout Brew’s trinket in favor of Waycrest Manor’s which has a similar effect.

And yeah, gearing burnout is real and bad. I pushed S2 hard in DF and got a pretty decent IO, at the cost of killing my motivation for the rest of the expansion. If I try it again it will only be with friends…when I resub anyway.

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Ill 0robably stick with druid for mop remix when i get a beta invite always doni mite try a mage.

i’m honestly debating about trying Druid more properly really…though i find Hunter to me, is akin to Witch Doctor in Diablo III, or the Commando in Borderlands 2. its feels the most comfortable to me.

but i’ve got at least another week to decide where to go with this. i’ve still got Reg and at least one other Hunter, i can always race change at a later date and time.


Speaking of that, why does it look like TWW is going to launch so close to Star Wars Outlaws?

Also, hit up the TW dungeons on your characters as well. My level 69 Rogue just got a 440 weapon drop from a boss in Underbog. That is a massive upgrade over her existing weapons. Most of my drops have been 412 ilvl, but even those are very appreciated on undergeared alts.

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Not commenting on behalf (or behoof?) of Vrak, but typically AAA studios try to rival each other in launching.

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Got a bunch of rain last night - the rain gauge says one and a half inches. Quite a bit of thunder with it. And more on the way today, too.

And saw a rare sight this morning on my walk:



I’m gonna level a Gnome Warlock with the name of Felshorter.

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The remix annoys me. I have to start new toons instead of rebirthing exsisting ones. I know there are issues with it behind the scenes, but. I have way too many currencies on alts that I refuse to give up. I need to wait and see what transfers with WwI and Warbands.

I have 5 hordies and 2 alliance that I would love to power level through. Alts I will never play beyond holidays and other special events. I just want the unlocks and story beats.

This week is cursed.

Rain tomorrow, no rain next day, rain the next, no rain, rain…

:angry: C’mon Mother Nature, make your mind up already!

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