[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity



The gear “catch-up” is pretty sweet right now. I’ve run a couple through Fyrakk’s Assault, the Weekly, Dreamsurge, etc. Doesn’t take a ton of time, but the gear is great. Easy 20+ iLvls, just doing that kind of stuff.

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It is nice to continually get an upgrade as you are doing normal weekly stuff. At the same time I’m also going
 wow, my gear was bad
 what HAVE I been doing?


I get that at this point im more focused on non lfr more extra stories and achievements.

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I keep getting things in the same slot and it’s like “shoo I don’t need you” LOL


Got four wrist pieces on a priest today. FOUR!

Fortunately, he’s an enchanter, so


Today’s adventure in house maintenance. I used house wash solution (a bleach based cleaner) to clean one side of the garage to prep for painting. The garage is cinderblock and stucco built in 1947. I have live here 15 years, and have never had to paint it. I don’t know how long it went before that without paint. By now, it has mildew, orange algae, bare or almost bare stucco patches.

I am tackling the worst side first which is thankfully one story and I can reach with a step ladder. Cleaning done! Tomorrow I do any scraping on the trim by the gutter, and caulk any cracks/patch any wood issues.

I have the primer in my car already and the rollers. Go me. My goal is to get two sides of the garage done this summer if I can. More is nice, but not required in my mental to-do list. Priorities and personal physical ability all have to be weighed.


When I was playing I think I fell into a similar curse where I think I got the same wristpiece in a row. From world events, the weeklies, even in LFR raids if memory serves. I’m just like, “I just need a new gun, man

(Or a bow, I guess. I’m going to resist going into a tirade about how I feel about WoW’s representation of guns. Goblin and all.)

@Mirasol, jeez, 15 years. I’d fear I’ve been hosting some sort of alien lifeform from that description. Hang in there though, a good cleaning always feels good.

Some limited yard work tomorrow, miffed that I got a call postponing a draining procedure I had next week until three weeks have passed, reason being they only do it ‘on certain days’.

Dealing with my health care providers during this whole thing has been
an experience and a half.


The one thing i never got about Dungeon finder it was suposed to be random back in MOP 9x/10 it was SPM how the hell was that random.

Random doesn’t mean that it will not repeat. You had a 1/9 chance of getting a specific dungeon every time you queued for a MoP dungeon. That is a small pool from which to draw.

Still almost every single time i qued it was spm i got so sick of it i left as soon as it qued thats was totaly whack.



Wooooot, let’s go oilers


Sorry not sorry we won.

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By rolling 1 and 2 mostly in LFR? The roll of 2 is the only upgrade I got :rofl:

Oh, and the hands piece from one of the drops.


Saw the upgrade comments here. I had forgotten about the new Season as a casual player. Holy upgrades batman! That was quite enjoyable. There were also people doing the world events again now that there is a quest for it in Valdraken.

Good fun and lots of gear. Now to do that on all my max level chars.


Don’t skip stuff on any 60s — mine have been getting 350 gear from world quests and the Feast. That was 100 item levels over what they had received from Feast on last day of Season 3.


Oh wow
ok yeah I can take my 60s out too. I have two and that would also help with leveling them.

Today was SUPPOSED to be a caulk and fill garage cracks day but the weather is cool and there will (hopefully) be showers. I might just have to game instead.


I’m just waiting for the MoP Remix. I am hyped for that.


Was thinking creating a guild called the cs lounge crew.