[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Ugh, same. That reminds me I need to go cover the tomato seedlings that volunteered.

I just saw that for the first time last night, too!

Queuing for multiple LFR wings, though.


Some one linked the privacy policy in another thread.

I saw thisā€¦

Websites visited before and after you use a product or service

Someone in Blizzard marketing looking at my website historyā€¦


I get that just about every time I queue for LFR, because I try to take all the sections at once.

Iā€™ve seen that since Shadowland at least. Longer than the ā€œinternal errorā€ message when emptying the mail.

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Just wanted to say happy friday folks.

(Or whatever day it is for you, itā€™s friday here. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Itā€™s finally warming back up this weekend but unfortunately with a healthy amount of rain with it. Still I got a riding mower I want to try out.

Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t do anything silly while learning how to drive it. Like hitting a tree.


I need your rain! Spring is too dry this year. Be careful on the mower. They are seriously fun though, esp on flat open paved surfaces where learning is safe. Heh. I worked at a home improvement store for a summer and we had to drive them out every morning for display. They really are not bad to drive once you get used to it. Go slow. Use your string trimmer for the trees.

In my garden news, I caught the culprit eating my peas! Rabbit. It did not even look guilty today when we had a face to twitchy nose confrontation. I went out to uncover the tomato seedlings after the frost andā€¦bunny.


Iā€™d share some of the rain if I had the power. Thatā€™s going to be a big learning curve for me though. Iā€™ve always used push mowers and now that my health is struggling a bit the ride mower is the next move.

I always had the mindset of ā€˜I just want this doneā€™ so resisting going vroom will be an uphill battle.


The hills are where you need to be most careful or the mower can flip. The good part is that you can do like 95% of the yard really fast on the mower then just string trim the last bit. Or assign chore to any kiddos if you have them. heh.

I was finally healthy enough to mow again this year and am so proud of myself for doing the whole (little) lawn this week! I love my new full size electric mower. They have come a long way since the toy type models.


I actually miss mowing and doing all that lawn care stuff. Iā€™ve lived in apartments for years so I never got to do that. I did get to do the flowers, etc. for some of the restaurants I worked, which was pretty awesome. Now Iā€™m at home, and my momā€™s neighbor has a lawn business that does the mowing and trimming; not going to mess with that! :smiley:


Is today sunday feels like a sunday.


Despite the forums, no, it is not Sunday. Full moon or full moon aftermath maybe?


There is definitely something in the air today.


Pollen. There is a lot of pollen in the air here. In addition to whatever is waves hands around HERE.


My sister does have a nephew and nieceā€¦I think a bit of yardwork could do them some good if they stop by.

Yā€™know I wanted to start a garden at some point. Now that I have a bit more free time think it would be relaxing to work on that. Just have to make a plot and decide on what I want to grow. Citrus fruits would be neat but I think those mostly require trees.


Yes, yes they do. My grandparents had an orange tree in their yard for many years. They used to send us boxes of oranges. It died about the time they did :confused:

They can be a bit of work though to prune, prevent disease, protect from any frosts, and keep animals out. Oranges do not seem like something that the birds will carry off though like blueberries or cherries.


Iā€™m sorry guys, those kinda of threads really bug me. And this time I couldnā€™t sit quietly. To be honost anything political gets me all fired up. Thatā€™s one reason I love this game, itā€™s in the game I control what I see.

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Well, I stepped in it big time. Sorry to all those that I offended.

@Vrakthris, could you remove those links? Thank You.


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your grandfolks. Sadly I donā€™t think I have the clearance for such trees. A renewable source of lemons and limes thoughā€¦

I could go for ages about how great lemons and limes are. Granted Iā€™m the weirdo who also eats them raw at times.


Wow! There were a lot of people downtown last night. It broke a record even. There would have been more, but it hit capacity. There were tons of people outside the event too! The weather today is perfect. Not too hot or not too cold. Just a bit breezy. :football:

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