[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

They changed the intro for this weeks xmen 97.

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They’re a rockstar and it’s a fantastic thing they’ve done. They get a massive gold star from me! ^^


So thankfully spoilers don’t bother me, but just as a warning if you have a problem with spoilers I would avoid any kind of game or WoW related site. I’ve seen like three articles just today that spoil the opening of the new expansion.

I should note that those articles were just on normal tech and gaming sites and not specific Blizzard or WoW related ones. But I have heard that WoWHead has also posted spoilers.


Also, to help cut down on how much of the upcoming expansion is revealed in Wowhead’s news articles, you can uncheck the Beta setting to filter those out of the lineup.


Well, that’s that.

Dad had to got to the hospital last Monday. His heart rate and BP was REALLY low. The docs recommended Hospice Care. He’s home now, and we got him on Home Hospice, The nurse is coming tonight to evaluate and start treatments.


My condolences. It’s hard watching someone slowly pass in hospice but know it’s the most comfortable way for them to move on.

Hoping the rest of the time spent with them is memorable.



You have been such an incredible support for him. Seriously, if I lived a lot closer, I’d come give you a huge hug. Continue being you, and know that you’ve got lots of friends here thinking about you, even if we’ve never actually met.


As someone that had to be a caregiver for my grandma whom couldn’t be moved to another facility, you have my sincere condolences. My grandma was in the hospital for her last days because it was no longer safe for her at home (she was insanely heavy and we had to use a scooter like you see seniors using just to get her to the bathroom and back, including me hauling it up two half flights of stairs in cramped conditions due to the stair lift railing limiting walking/carrying space).

Although a hospital is more of a sterile environment, it was still a better place for my grandma’s last days. Your trial will be much harder since you’re taking care of things at home mostly yourself. But at least you can have the comfort of knowing your dad’s in a familiar environment with people that know and love him and not in a hospital where he’s more a task to be completed than anything else.

My grandpa turned 90 on the 8th alongside his girlfriend from his youth (she’s one day older than he is!), so my trial can come at any time. I can only hope I’ll do right by him when the time comes. Such is the cycle of life.

Treasure the memories, for as long as you have them, a part of your dad will always be with you.




Ok interesting s6 of the circle has a AI playing a player that will play without any outside influence from the developers could be interestign.

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hugs Stormfury


no matter what happens, we’re here


Stormfury, before I retired from my job as a respiratory therapist, it became my duty to take care of both my mom and dad as my patients. We were a small hospital and there just was no one else to cover nights. During the day, I slept in the waiting area and got ready for work in the doctor’s lounge.

Both died because of end stage COPD (smoking), and because it was end-stage, there was nothing I could do but make sure they were cared for by me, their nurses and physicians and kept as comfortable as possible.

Seeing them as patients didn’t make their passing easier to bear. All it did was make it possible for me to be there and monitor their ventilator settings and sit by their bedsides to let them know I was there and talk to them as much as possible.

Sometimes all one can do is all one can do, and that affects us med-pros just like everyone else.

You don’t know me, but it would be my honor if you would accept a caring “hug” from me as well.



/hug… if you ever need to talk please feel free to add me on battle.net (that goes for anyone here tbh) :heart:my mom went into the nursing home my dad was in last year within months of him passing. He passed Christmas morning and she was placed end of Mar. It was sooo hard however i knew deep down it was the best thing for her as she is getting care i cannot do on my own.
It will be hard no matter the outcome, just always remember you have done an amazing job helping him and even if you are longer caring for him directly, you continue to do an amazing job by doing what is best for him :teddy_bear: (my version of a hug lol)


Crabs? “Lobstrosities”?

Dum-a-chum? ded-a-chek? … Those things?

Isn’t there a game that already features those things?

Kidding of course. Those guys belong in The Dark Tower series, and they can stay there for all I care. Along with “Blaine The Train”.

But I always liked Roland, and if Blizz wants to “borrow” the crabs, who am I to complain? Looking forward to fighting them in the next expansion.


He found a place where people aren’t burglarizing him?

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/Hugs Stormfury.


/hugs for Stormfury


I’m wondering if that mode changes the Star Ocean 4 bug raid boss into something else.