[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity


Been trying to do some Battlegrounds tonight, But that may not be happening for me now. Getting queues close to (1)+ hours tonight when it says average wait is (3) - (5) minutes.

Already submitted a bug report regarding this in-game. I’m trying to get the 100,000 Honorable Kills achievement tonight. I’m currently 87 kills off from earning it!

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war mode on world quest in group finder?

I would prefer not to do Warmode if I can avoid it. I tend to get spawn camped every time I enable it. I’m not the greatest when it comes to PvP.

Well finally did it! Just earned myself the 100,000 Honorable Kills achievement! Now to start working towards the 250,000 Honorable Kills one! :smiley:

Unsure what was going on with the queues for Battlegrounds, But they appear to be working again now!





Fyr’alath acquired. 8 days before the new season.


Congrats. :slight_smile:

Murder more Alliance. They deserve it. ^.~


A few years ago, my sister (who was living near Landstuhl at the time) managed to sneak a bottle of Stroh 80 (160-proof Austrian rum, butterscotch-flavored) from Frankfurt to Seattle in her checked baggage. Highly illegal. It was meant to be a gift for our dad, but being the upright citizen he is, wouldn’t take it on his flight home to Florida. Being the family scofflaw, I put it in my own checked bag and flew it home to Minnesota.

The place in Wisconsin? I order from them often, though I’ve not yet tried the brötchen. One of these days I may just decide to make the 4-hour drive and do my shopping in-person.

Another online shop I use for all things Deutsch is GermanShop24.


That’s because everyone who normally calls you BB stopped posting here.

such trolling
it was not my intention. -random forum troll trying to emulate Gaius Van Balesar

i never turn warmode on
ever. even the Dangerously Delicious daily in Northrend Dalaran is stressful for me to do, but i tend to go to a spot in Dragonblight, where i can fish safely in the water, without being flagged for PvP. though i still have those pesky elementals to worry about.

fixed it for ya. :grin:

a wild Merdrah appeared! Regnyl used Tasha’s Hideous Laughter: did you know, that spiderman has a winter jacket made entirely of mediterranean flat bread? its a
“Pita Parka”.


Sadly, that section about additional character slots has now been removed from the article.


The WW beta sign up are up.

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When I saw your nick, I knew you had to have German ties, Teufelgott. I have been searching for some folks who might speak German with me, and have been unable to, but even if you don’t , it’s nice to make your acquaintance.

And ja, the place in Wisconsin. Because She and I are up in our years, we like to celebrate a German Christmas for our grandson and his 4 boys. (Ja - a set of twins, and 2 regulars - I keep wanting them to form a band but the oldest is only 4, so who knows?)

Vielen vielen Dank fĂŒr die Antwort. Ich habe mich riesig darĂŒber gefreut!

“Many, many thanks for your reply. It made me very happy to receive it>”


Grats, and I am glad to have missed my murder! LOL :rofl::hugs::+1:


Taxes are done and in the mail. They were a little whacko this year, because of the move mid-year. It didn’t help that my company didn’t change my tax forms, so nothing got withheld for Michigan. It all went to Misery Missouri. When it’s all said and done, though, I end up getting money back, so that’s good.


a man was caught stealing from a supermarket the other day, while standing on the shoulders of two vampires. authorities say he’ll be charged with shoplifting on two counts.


A large wooden object was found spinning today in the downtown core, that’s our Top story.


Anyone want to take bets on when the first post asking for beta acess will pop up


Within 12 hours from now my guess is.

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