[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Am i a bad person for contemplating posting the popcorn gif in that thread.

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All the bad threads are 404ed.


That thread aimed at Perl was quite vile. Good riddance.


Thankfully, I already had them on ignore.

In other news, I’m back from my workout and ready for a nap! But it’s much too nice here today to nap, so I’m going to get the family’s bikes out and get them ready for riding!



I do feel bad about that thread, Perl is so sweet. No one should be treated in that manner. Mean people suck. #DOWNWITHTHETROLLS


And ya’ll wondered why I recommended saving your flags for more worthy endeavors.

Sheesh, sorry about that.


Weird how we’ve been e-friends for like 15 years now?


FOMO. Spend time away from the computer and miss all the excitement.


That one didnt need any of mine i got late to that thread only flag i used was on. The necro.

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NĂŒrnberger bratwurst on Brotchen, JĂ€gerschnitzel, Rouladen, Sauerbraten, SpĂ€tzle, Beer, Franken wine Trocken 


Hey - not all trolls are bad!

That’s a FOMO you (and everyone else) could have gone without.


I finally just recently found a local bakery whose kaiser rolls are a fairly authentic approximation of brotchen.

Now if I could just find one that can bake a proper SchwarzwÀlder kirschtorte.


momentary setbacks can come at the worst of times, but it is what it is. only have another week and a half. if i’m lucky, i can afford a resub, and possibly change my Druid over. haven’t done really much in WoW, so there’s
well, there’s a LOT to get caught up on.

the new Night Elf area, Worgens reclaiming Gilneas. o_o

edit: i forget, do i need an active sub to open that chest by the trading post? i haven’t touched it since my sub expired (though i also haven’t really logged in all that much either) but i don’t want to mess with any thing. :confused:

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I did THINGS today. Despite the interesting start to the day via the forums, it turned out fantastic outside. Windy, but fantastic. My test run with the new electric mower went well a couple weeks ago so last Monday I told my lawn service I was going to try to do this myself this year. gulp

Guess who mowed the whole lawn today! All of it! All by myself! So far I have not fallen over and died. My back - I am cautiously optimistic about. Nothing too bad so far.

I have one of Ryobi 21" deck mowers with two 40V batteries. I used one battery + a little of the other to do the whole thing. Not bad at all! Going to work out quite well I think. Of course, when it is 100 degrees out I might have a different opinion. Heh.


yes, you do.


k, good to know. won’t touch it till i can resub then. appreciate the response.

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Franken Wein Trocken? Got stuck at home (Rothenburg o d Tauber) over 9.11 and when I could finally come home, I had two bottles of a newly vinted wein with me. I had them wrapped very securely in my checked luggage, but they wouldn’t let me take it on board. Checked or not.

“Either pour it out, or drink it, sir.”, I was told. Well, I wasn’t going to waste it, so down it went, and drunk I got. I have never been so hung over in my life!

Since “She” and I are no longer able to travel we order our German food from a place called Bavaria Sausage. They get Brötchen (the real ones) imported, as well as other goodies such as Stollen, Marzipan, PlĂ€tzchen, usw. Ja, it’s a little pricey, but it’s the real thing, so we splurge for ourselves and our guests.

When my friends found out I had drunk their wine, one of them said, “That’s our Bill. Pure of heart and dumb of ess.” (Y’all know to buy a different vowel to replace that “e”, right?) :rofl::+1::heart:


Wasn’t much to miss. Just another one of those trolls who specifically choose controversial topics so they can start brawls and pretend it wasn’t their intention.


Hey, no e- about it. You guys are friends. There, done. :slight_smile:


I wonder if some good-looking lady doctor-to-be will look down upon my body and say that about me: “What a beautiful corpse!” :rofl::+1::nauseated_face:
But yeah, if anyone reading this is dieting (or trying to) this one is for us. It’s a little country, but if you listen to the words, you’ll hear about yourselves. (And yours truly, of course!)


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