[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Sigh … I had the recipe up on my phone and still managed to ignore buying some of the ingredients I needed for my tortilla soup tonight.

Hoping I can get what I need at the nearest Dollar General (just about on every corner around here) and not have to travel back into town again. It’s prom night so town is gonna be hopping.


Not sure if u guys have seen but of course Deadpool had to one up the dune popcorn bucket debateable on weather or not its postable,

knowing who it is and what it deals with…i’m gonna say: probably not postable. :laughing:


Its a good chuckle but ur right lol.

So im ordering sourdough cinamon buns from a lady in my city and im going can i cook them in a air fryer so i asked her and waiting a answer in theroy it should work.

I keep on forgetting that I’m one of the babies in here lol. been posting since high school ish, but I’m now in my early 30s.


hmm. i should probably consider resubbing later today. it’d give me a chance to get some traders tokens and possibly claim that item i’ve got on hold. because there’s libel to be something i’ve got my eye on in the coming months. (the Dreadwake mount isn’t too shabby either really, so i may end up putting that on hold after i get the Zehvara mount, hopefully before the month’s over)

And suddenly, I need a walker.


i hope by the time i need one, i’ll have moved to a more accessible unit, if not apt building. because having to lug a walker up several flights of stairs isn’t fun at all. .-.

due to the building only being 3 stories, it didn’t qualify for an elevator…not that i’d want to take one really. i’d prefer living on the bottom floor if i had the choice. easier to lug groceries home that way.


When I started posting to the internet, age verification wasn’t really a thing. We were all just Absolutely of the Appropriate Age and Maturity Level for the Community and Content we were Participating in, Yes. <.<

A’course, there were far fewer doofuses back then.

Anyway, nowadays we can put down Jan 1 2000 and it serves the same purpose as jotting down Jan 1 1900 for verification forms.


posted this in a discord channel a while back, and someone responded with a meme from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, where Shake tells Meatwad: “i am 30 or 40 years old, and i do not need this!” :rofl:

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I’ve been trying to abide by the credo ‘live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse,’ but so far I’m 0-3.


I dunno. Seems like you’ve been all over the world and that’s worth something. :slight_smile:

I would like to visit Germany one day, just for the sausages and culture shock.


It’s amazing, looking back, just how fast that time really went.

shakes cane Get off my lawn, you darn kids!

Is it too early for

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

For the Sunday … ummm… issues.


For the Sunday morning mods, just arriving to work, hope this is enough coffee to deal with the mess.


Ah sunday mornings should be a fun one off to a interesting start.

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To post a reply to Mirasol in a more proper avenue that wasn’t sent to the 404 void, I want to help my folks set up their pool. My conditions keep me from doing too much to help but I’ll do what I can. Swimming will be a lot of fun and a good form of exercise which will help.

Also need to get cleaning done…When I get a week that’s neither cold, raining or both. Although doesn’t seem to be this week, should rain most of the week.

That’s how I know I’m getting old. Weather problems.


Yeah the weather dictates which projects I can do and how. Pork roast taken out of the freezer to thaw - now that I was thinking about it.

Also much love to the Blizz folks who had to Mod today. Love and coffee.


Well it didn’t take long for that thread to vanish, TY mods, that was a mess.


There were like 8 of them, and the CS one was the mild one.