[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Have they said anything about the leveling speed? I’m doubtful that they will let us use Heirlooms.

Wow they went with one of the darker xmen comics for this weeks Xmen 97

Oh… I can’t wait!


Pay attention to the sky towards the end theres something in the sky.

RIP the Juice…

I didn’t like the man, but the Naked Gun movies he was in was hysterical


Fallout got released yesterday the show on amazon.

Watched it on my quest so it’s basically like seeing it in IMAX. :smiley: What could be better to watch X-Men then a massive screen?!

That was an amazing episode. Devastated. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.


I had the same thoughts. He was a great football player, too.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he had CTE.

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Gona be interesting to see who the mastermind behind what happens is there a couple of throies one would folow the comic version

This has no relation to WoW, but is addressed with info about the anti-cheating insights and I found it very interesting to read. Including statistics, the persistence of cheaters, the use of “honeypots” by anti-cheating teams and so on.

I think Blizzards anti-cheat team may also be using the same ones and we can draw parallels for “why can’t we just put a human on a much often botting spot” or “direct ban them when detected” things.




Just saying “Hey!” to my buds who also post here. Have a great weekend everyone! Love ya! :heart::grin:


Hi Jonãs!
I’m looking forward to the weekend. I work at home and love my job, but it’s nice to have downtime to step away from it. It’s been super busy at work but rewarding, and I plan to take it easy this weekend!


crawls out from the pillow fort, with a beard to rival Rip Van Winkle, Gandolf and Merlin combined

=_= scratches and blinks a few times

debating about renewing my sub, but i dunno if i’ll be able to afford it. kinda wanna wait till tomorrow sometime, pick up a few things and see what i’ve got left with from there. birthday has come and gone, and it was quiet and uneventful…honestly prefer it that way really. washes his tankard out, dries it then refills it with perfectly chilled Brewfest Ale

also debating about whether i want to race change Reg here. i may just (eventually) faction change my Tauren Druid instead. but that’s a bridge i’ll cross when i get to it. for now, just gotta worry about getting necessities before worrying about game time.

takes a seat in his favorite recliner


Just do what i do go to walmart game stop or a convienince atore and see if they have the 60 day time cards.

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oh man, i haven’t seen those in forever! i used to see them at the drug store near me, but not any more. think the only place that may still have them is Gamestop. :thinking: i’d have to look into it, before making the trip though.

edit: hmm. only things i saw on their site, were figures and…apparently the 15th anniversary collection? o_O though the latter is “unavailable”, its still on their site for some reason.

its also roughly $52.80 after taxes too. x_x

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Yeah, I used to buy them at my local division of Kroger so I’d get fuel points. Then when that was no longer available, I’d buy Amazon cards for the fuel points and use that to buy the game time from Amazon, but that’s no longer available either.

Currently I have a year subscription, which saves me more than the fuel points would be worth (to me: YMMV). But I miss having the fuel points option for those times when a sub doesn’t work financially.

Happy belated birthday!


thank you. hugs

i’m getting to that point where i can’t reverse my age and pretend to be younger than i am…think the next time i can do that, is when i turn 52, so…yeah 8 years from now. .-.

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Happy anti death day may it be full of joy and life.