[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity


Went to…


I don’t know who you are anymore.


Got my new glasses. Clean bill of health. Warcraft’s screen resolution got so much better lol

Felt like I was playing back in the 800x600 days

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


It almost doesn’t count. We were only a few miles in - barely south of “Old State Line Road.”

Is my armory the only one that takes years on end to update? Where is my new haircut >:O

Well when i use the hero of gilneas xmog that looks slick on this toon i show up naked.

R.I.P. Peter Higgs



Spring has finally sprung. The local barbecue truck has come out of hibernation.


I am really looking forward to this event. It seems like it will be a lot of fun and I have always loved Pandaria. MoP was my first new expansion as I started playing in the last patch of Cata.

Those mount recolors are very cool. I have the other Phoenixes from MoP, so can’t wait to add that new one to the list.


No ah that will be interesting this is gona be fun.

Really no different than how we handle playing and leveling through Betas. Sure, the AH is technically there but I have never had to use it during any Betas I have done. I got along just fine in the MoP Beta without relying on the AH.

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I thot this was more like plunderstorm then a beta.

I was just making the comparison that we won’t need the AH in order to do the 60 levels. Especially since the leveling will be vastly accelerated. I imagine we will barely even notice anything else other than grabbing loot and leveling.

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So just noticed this tidbit,

All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

so gonna have to make sure I have room when the event ends. So just limit myself to only making a few more new characters. Surely I can control myself, right? :grin:


Not necessarily:

“Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™.”


Well it is good that they are bumping up our character slots again. Wonder what the cap will be? We have 60 slots now.

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So 60 day time cards work with the sod restrictions.

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As I was reading it, you just have to spend money on game time at least once since 2017, somewhere within your battle.net account.

Ah, I see the thread you’re talking about. :slight_smile:

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I dont plan on spending time in sod but was cuirious if the time cards qualified.