[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Costco had some nice tomatoes. I got a bunch and made fresh salsa. All I hear is crunching noises from the chips. My homemade salsa is quite popular here. It made it feel a bit summery. Kinda. It’s only 57 but I will take it. It’s sunny for a change. :sun_with_face:


Please send the sun this way. Winter needs to end.

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It is going to be in the 70s on Tuesday! I am seriously thinking of thawing out some pork and doing a smoky chipotle adobo pulled pork and slaw or something. Feeling like some summer veggies myself.


I have some frozen baby back ribs that I should pull out and make next week. It should get up into the 60’s for a few days.


Got a pork butt in the smoker right now. 12 more hours to go.


I decided to test out a new Chicken Tikka Masala recipe, which turned out amazing, but with just me to eat it… Let’s just say I’m Tikka Masala’d out for awhile. I put half in the freezer.

That sounds amazing, Rycerz. 12 hours while smelling the amazing aromas coming from the smoker…


I like this one


But how can he be a Bachelor, I distinctly remember him being married to Emma Peel.

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As the wheel weave the wheel turns what happens in one lifetime can change or be alteered in the next turning.

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WOW RNG hates me. Only got eggs today from the silly bird thing.


My daughter played last night, and the carpet dropped on her first turn-in. It was her first time participating in that event this year. We also ran Black Temple.

Here’s the kicker: I was doing it wrong regarding the boss event. I was just participating in killing the boss WITHOUT knowing that I had to go to the ? that appeared on the map to get the basket, which would give me the possibility of getting the mount. Sighs… I discovered the error of my ways this morning. However, the carpet mount did drop for me about 30 minutes ago. I THINK it was on Vyanta; however, I’m not 100% sure. I’ll still participate since I find group events more fun. :slight_smile:

I think there is one more chance tomorrow. I think the event ends tomorrow morning. Hopefully, RNG will be in your favor if you can try again then.


Hmm. I wonder what the maximum password length is nowadays.

I think max length had been increased at least once, maybe twice.

Took advantage of no fire ban to have a hot dog roast so i dont get into trouble and marshmellow roast. This is a map of forest fires in alberta.

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Wonder if blizzard will walk backvthe sod changes if theres a bigbenough uproar.

  1. Players complain about bots and gold sellers.
  2. Blizzard finds a way to massively cut the number of gold sellers and botters; that bot software can’t bypass, even if updated.
  3. Profit

It’s just unfortunate that legitimate players also get hit by it. We’ll see how it affects the gold sellers/botters soon enough.


You never know i get it tho.

Took a trip to Toledo yesterday for the eclipse. It was so amazing. Well worth the traffic snarls we had to deal with on the way home - it took two and a half hours to drive sixty miles from Toledo to Ann Arbor.

And since I don’t have TL3 yet, here’s the link:



Those look nice. Thanks for sharing.


There is no flying carpet for the druid this year. RNG was so bad. Got yummy eggs every day and a couple of mogs. Oh well, there is always next year.


I finally got some free time today, I forgot it was Tuesday… :cry: