[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity



Now if only the love rocket would drop lol.


Hi folks , did ya miss me ?

Me I’m deep in a deep dive on the new arbitration rules Blizzard have adopted.

It’s been quite eye-opening - the biggest change is the new rules have Blizzard on the hook for a lot of fees including an annual fee of ~$500 for listing their specific arbitration clauses with the AAA on their online. Blizzard even say in their new EULA that for disputes below $75,000 they will reimburse the filing fees.

Might make a thread on it , might not I dunno.


Finally, got the Noble Flying Carpet after 79 kills. Also had a Swift Springstrider mount drop from an egg, so I can sell that later this year for a nice profit.


I didnt have to alt hop all on this guy.

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I just bought the Noble Garden Rabbit for 200. I don’t think I’m going to farm the duck, toy or hearth. Not this year. I would love it if the boss dropped more chocolate.


Even though I hardly play these days, my stupid luck with mounts somehow continues. First Noble Garden boss kill, the basket had the mount.

This was after the increase to the loot drop was increased on the first kill of the day, but still.


Congrats! I’m moving my army of alts to the required area: Horde and Alliance. I started on Sunday, but there has been no carpet drop yet.

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My sister’s wisdom of the day:

If you think you’re smarter than the previous generation

Fifty years ago, the owner’s manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.


So apparently we just had an East Coast earthquake and I missed it! Like, I did not even notice that apparently my house was shaking. I have a train that travels nearby and miltary explosives testing within 100 miles or so. I am used to booms and shaking so never even noticed that we had something rare!

We almost never get earthquakes and I totally missed it. My cats missed it too. Did not even stir from naps.


I saw someone mention this in my neighborhood app. I did feel something around that time, but I did not think too much of it.

4.8, definitely one that would be felt.

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From what I just read, it looks like it was reported in New Jersey. However, some locations in Maryland (where I live) have also felt it.

We felt it up here in the Capital Region in NY. Minor tremors is all. A lot of people missed it. Some people in taller buildings noticed it more.

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Ugh the weather fluctuating between snowing and raining all day.


Yuck! Worst weather. About as wet and miserable as it can get. Stay safe!


Thankfully i dont drive tommorow not gona be any better


I have no love for the mount again today; 1 more day to try. On a bright note, it is snowing like crazy here in Wetaskiwin.


I did get blessed by the RNG fairies today! Got my carpet mount on the first kill today. Yay for being done with Noblegarden for this year!

Super windy here but that is fine. Working inside on projects and house cleaning because no company til Sunday!

Will be making some fresh bread tomorrow and maybe a blueberry muffin cake for breakfast/desert.

Oh, and for everyone who gave me ceiling painting tips a month or so again, it worked out perfectly! Looks great and I did not get any greyer (white paint) than I already am. I am sure I looked really silly in a head cover and old clothes but nobody was looking.


I got hit with some hail earlier this week.