[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

The general rule is that you only get deserter from getting kicked if you would have gotten deserter for leaving.

Since a boss died, no deserter.

Wouldve been nice but that how the ball bounces.

Most likely would still be on CD for requeuing though. That CD would appear on the menu itself for instances. It is not as long as the Deserter CD but still prevents one from queueing for a few minutes.

So im doing a time rift and freya looks like toph from avatar the last airbender.

So guest who was going to be here yesterday evening decided that the horrible rains, flooding, and such were not great travel weather. No guest til Sunday!!!

Much better. I like prep time.

No guest til Sunday!! :notes:


Just got the event mount. And Trading Post is done, so now itā€™s back to leveling and gearing up the last few level 60+ characters.


Yeah! I much prefer not to have unexpected house guests, too. I keep my place neat; itā€™s just the unexpected that bothers me. I have a short list of people who can do that (four total) and get away with it. Those on that list would not do it unless for a good reason.

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We are in the path for the eclipse next week. About 99% total. :sun_with_face: :sunglasses:

The weather guys are predicting clouds. :frowning_face:

Iā€™ve been planning on driving to the path of totality, which is just inside shudders Ohiā€¦

Nope. Canā€™t bring myself to say it.

Actually, looking at it, it just barely crosses into Michigan - just a corner, but it counts. At this point, Iā€™ll probably still try. Freak chance is better than no chance, after all. And Iā€™m pretty sure the next total solar eclipse to hit anywhere close to Michigan isnā€™t until 2099ā€¦

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Now heres something thats gona make conspiracy theroist go nuts the crane thats being used for the bridge was used in a cia operation to lift a russian sub outa water.

This is coming from asociate press.

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Born and raised in Ohio (I moved out to AZ in 1997) can confirm that we are Legionā€¦


Youā€™re not missing much in Ohio except all of the flooding that went on yesterday.

I live out in the rural area on top of a hill and a lot of the lower areaā€™s got flooded badly.

My husband, who is a volunteer FF, got toned out for a water rescue this morning. Someone in a little import thought their car could ford a road that always floods really badly, and well, letā€™s just say I would really hate to see his repair bill.

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Iā€™m from Mansfield, so Iā€™m well aware of not missing much lolā€¦ Hope you remain dry and safe. :slight_smile:

Oh wow that is a few hours drive west of me. I am close to the city of New Philadelphia i am going to say maybe fifteen to twenty minutes away give or take.

But myself and my husband live on top of a big hill that is only three miles from a very small village. A lot of the neighboring villages and main roads to get to them got flooded from all of the rain. I was half expecting Noahā€™s ark to sail past due to all of the flooding.


We are in the path for totality in western NY state. My favorite local brewery is having an event that I was looking forward to, the missus got invited on the roof with the staff to watch. Unfortunately due to a broken left Femur, Iā€™ll be watching from my front porch.

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Looks lime were gwtting silver surfer in the ff movie but its the female version i didnt know there was one and the actress is julia garner.

Thatā€™s not a bad choice at all for a lady silver surfer. At least she not from Ohio.


Well the casrmt is interesting hopefully it doesnt bomb.

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.