[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Yep this in a nutshell.

On a side note love the dog show photos.


I got your back this time :wink:


Thank you perl.
The 2 dogs in the third picture, Mimic on the left, Kacey on the right. They are brothers.


Gorgeous glad you had a good weekend.


Sweet my hero academia is out on netflixi saw it was coming but wasnt expecting this soon.


Good very early Tues morning folks. I got up to take pain meds and…glanced at the news. Local-ish to me we have a major infrastructure incident.

Container ship seems to have lost power, hit a support column on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, caught fire, and sank. Bridge collapsed. That closes the Port of Baltimore (major East Coat shipping Port) and it closes the Baltimore Beltway - which much of the N/S interstate trucking and transport uses. There are tunnels under the harbor, but you can’t take hazmat and a lot of cargo through them.

It appears they were doing work on it so there are some construction workers and vehicles in the water - 20ish people they are looking for in this developing event. Thank everything it does not appear it was wide open for normal traffic, and that it was in the middle of the night. All crew on the ship and the two pilots (ports put their own pilots on ships instead of letting the captain navigate) are accounted for.

This is going to have major impacts on all interstate travel in the East Coast North South corridor, and all East Coast shipping/cargo in and out of that port. It is a MAJOR port city.

I just… I can see the conspiracy theories now. I get i though. This is a very big deal.

So much yikes and so glad my sibling was not doing an overnight trip she has planned later this week. That is Thursday so she was not on it.


Wow. That’s crazy. Travel is going to be a mess for a long while. It’s not that long of a detour, but it’s through the middle (or around) Baltimore, so extended travel times. But shipping is going to be a bigger mess for quite a while, it appears.

Saw a video of a livestream that watches the bridge. Looks like the ship lost power a couple times, then tried to stop (based on the amount of smoke coming out of the stack). You can see the maintenance crew vehicles and traffic crossing the bridge. Absolutely horrific.

I’m off to look at puppy videos for a while.


I received a text from my daughter mentioning this incident. We live in Maryland; the bridge is about 30 minutes from where we live in one of the surrounding counties.


I live near a large port here on the coast. We don’t have giant shipping containers but we have the grain and gas tankers. Various combustible materials in large storage.

Our biggest fear (and they told us years ago) that the whole area would be evacuated if we had a fire at the port. Because of the materials there would be similar conditions and event like what happened in Beirut.

The moment something like happens, there’s protocol in place for mass evacuation.

Our bridges are small, but leave people stranded on outer islands…all too familiar with these situations in hurricanes

Prayers. :pray:

Everyone is found

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


What a horrible accident. I texted my brother a little bit ago to make sure he’s ok. I hope he’s sleeping right now because I have yet to hear back from him and I’m so worried.

I hope everyone is found. Love to all the people it’s affecting. :dracthyr_heart:


Yikes! I hope everyone is okay.


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Sadly no. It is a HUGE suspension bridge. They did rescue two people from the water but are searching for up to 7 more? Maybe more than that? Kind of chaotic right now.

Time lapse traffic video. There are lots of cameras around the port so there is lots of documentation of it. Not sure if this link works or not but here goes.


Sadly… they’ve already started.

I have never facepalmed so hard in my life at some of the ones i have heard so far.

Some people just have way too much time on their hands.


Looks like the chat channel bug has been fixed. You’ll have to leave the channel one last time, but it seems to be sticking through logout now.

I saw all of this when I woke up this morning as well. Seeing that bridge all but disintegrate into water is terrifying. It’s one of those fears of mine made reality (which yeah - me when I’ve got to travel the Bay Bridge is a massive anxiety attack every blessed time).

My parents have to go up to PA twice a week and 695 is a big stretch of travel. I can’t even begin to imagine the traffic snarls that are going to be the norm this week and longer for however long it’ll take to get a new bridge built.


I usually take 301 and the Bay bridge but now that is going to have extra traffic on it + the shore traffic all summer :frowning:

Just horrible and distressing all around. I am SO glad they were doing construction, that they called a mayday and stopped what little travel was on it/construction vehicles. It could have been a LOT worse. Yeah watching it fall like a Popsicle stick project in school was highly disconcerting.


Shhh, we don’t want to think about that just yet!

And that’s what is hitting me the hardest (beyond it just shattering). Knowing how bad traffic can be and how many people are shooting over that bridge - between the time of the day and the Mayday, this could have been so, so much worse in injuries and casualties. It’s devastating, yes, but knowing how many people would have been on it had it happened during rush hour or even just the normal daily traffic rather than the much more sparse overnight - it’s just hard to put into words.


Gota love tuesdays wow related the day when everything catches fire at least no ddos attacks.

glances at Darthwraith

Why would you voice that?

Go… knock on some wood or something. :stuck_out_tongue: