[CS Lounge] Hop Hop Hopping

What a cluster…

So I had to take my car back in. Whatever they did last week didn’t correct the issue. I drove my daughter’s car to work Sunday, then came home and drove mine back to the shop. Made no attempt to leave the house until 2 hours ago, when I discovered I couldn’t find the key to daughter’s car. As near as I can tell, I’ve left it in my car, at the shop.

Had to borrow my son’s car to go see if maybe mine was in front of the shop rather than in it (no such luck).

In other news, Wednesday’s project is going to be cleaning the years-neglected computer room so I can finally assemble the new computer desk I bought (in September) and dispose of this 20-year-old MDF monstrosity. Then, I can feel good about unboxing and connecting all the shiny new Razer gear with all the pretty lights.

Edit - Turns out the car key was here the whole time. The imp kitten knocked it off the table in the entryway and into someone’s boot. Now I know to check all the footwear when something goes missing from that particular table.


Just read Kav’s “scope creep” post. I may have to save that to use as an example at work. I used to work in what my boss called the “junk drawer” position. We monitored:

Our Official job duties:

  • Mainframe jobs and notified teams when jobs failed.
  • Network equipment and notified teams when systems went down and we couldn’t fix with a reboot.

All the other stuff:

  • Site power outages.
  • Store phone systems.
  • Access to secure areas of the facility, including server rooms (why our security team didn’t do that, I’ll never know!).
  • Environmental alarms (too hot somewhere, or water pooling under a HVAC in a server room? That’s us!).
  • And we also backed up the 1st level support team during the overnight shift.

I loved the company, but man, did we get a lot of overflow tasks.


Ugh, this second shot is kicking my butt. And who in the heck strapped a 20 lb, weight to my arm, lol.

/curls up in pillow fort

Also, have noticed something today. Some links in posts are a golden color. Is that a Forum thing or is Chrome changing it?

Well I am a happy cook. Regular day cook was off today, which means I cook (schedule change has her doing other duties starting next month, and me being the lead main cook). Today we had meatloaf. Not my best item on the menu. I mean I can nail the flavor. However usually comes out drier than I would like. Today had a great egg and breadcrumb ratio to the meat and it came out really juicy.

Made a glaze based in ketchup. Kitchen manager, whom was across the table from me making cake and frosting for lunch the entire time, looked at it and said wasn’t that ketchup? Why is it not red? I told her because it STARTED as ketchup. Now it is awesome. She grabbed a tasting spoon and said some words that would get me in trouble here. Then I grabbed a small piece of meat off of my puree pan and dipped it in the glaze. She just walked away and over her shoulder said she should have made this switch a while ago lol.

Staff were upset, they were lining up to get some, but residents wanted 3rds. One, usually gives me a good back and forth, looked at me and said, Seriously, that was tremendous. And he was in a mood today, so to say that? It touched my heart.

Now I am debating how early I am going to go to bed today. I am exhausted. Do I log in and level some? Really enjoyed the first zone, want to dive more into the second. Or do I surgically implant myself on the recliner and not move until tomorrow? Decisions decisions.

I have heard that about the Pfizer shot. I didn’t experience it. Only because BOTH shots kicked my butt haha.

Edit to also address

I use Chrome as well, and just saw the exact same thing.

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Same here - it was like a 12 hour flu, really, but without the complete exhaustion. Went to bed that evening feeling a little bleh, woke up feeling a little worse, by the time 24 hours from the shot, I was really achy. I took a nap, and by bed time, I was starting to feel nearly human again.

Firefox, too.

My glaze (courtesy of Bobby Flay) is a Red Chile glaze - couple of ancho chiles (very mild), some honey, vinegar, salt and pepper into a blender, then start glazing the meatloaf about 15 minutes before it’s done.

It’s probably easily up-scaleable for a cafeteria, but it might break the budget.

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Okay something wonky is going on tonight.

My game time expired tonight (11:57 pm Eastern) and that is all fine and dandy, I was planning for this and had gold set to be used on Ravenholdt to buy game time. The launcher & Forums both have acknowledged my expired time, but the game has yet to recognize the change. Therefore, I cannot get the game time from the launcher screen.

Guess it will be a night of waiting.

UPDATE: It took about 1½ hours before the game finally acknowledged I no longer had game time. I was then able to get more game time on the character select screen.

Good morning everyone.

I was hoping for a quiet summer. But things can move fast and furious. I’ve a summer class now and I’ll be mentoring/training a new instructor. There goes any free time. Bright side, summer semesters are shorter. Downside, there’s still a lot of material to plan.

I’m 13 days past my second shot. Looking forward to getting out.

Happy travels.

P.S. I even got notification that I’m a new trust level. What?! Wonkiness Kyzera… just plain wonkiness


I think I missed that. Which one was their post again?

I hear you on the overflow tasks thing.

Not so long ago our after hours call centre would have the tasks of envelope stuffing and opened mail QA (basically just checking opened envelopes for missed cheques).

It was assumed that because we worked an afterhours shift we would have all the time in the world to complete these tasks. Unfortunately they would be brought up on a Friday afternoon meaning we would be trying to stuff envelopes during the busiest shifts of our working week.

When we shifted where the call centre was based we refused to do it anymore for several reasons (1) It wasn’t our job (2) They had a machine that could do it for them (3) It wasn’t our job.

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It is this post: Unbelievably Ugly Guild Ad - #13 by Kalviery

I’m off today. Woke up in a dead panic at 430 that j had overslept my alarm. Nope. Only alarm set right now is for 630 this morning.

Give me time to wake up, function, then pick the boys up and take them to school. I am up naturally 10 minutes before that one and feel like I have super slept in. Weird huh?

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So. Do I point out to my soon to be ex that talking about her doctor and std in the same post is not the message she wants to portray?

Because I know you all thought short term disability like she was talking about yes?


feeling tired…was suppose to get requisition forms for additional blood work in about 2 months time (everything but blood sugar is good, my own fault for drinking a bit TOO much pop and energy drinks leading up to that first appointment. x_x)

though with the province in lockdown, due to the “Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour” (codeword for the ongoing “malarkey” that is “Covid”) i’m not sure if i’ll be able to get said work done…even if it IS just for “2 weeks”, there’s a possibility it’ll be extended.

barely into May, and it already feels sweltering in the apt. :hot_face: i wasn’t looking forward to the summer months then, and i’m still not looking forward to it now. almost anxious for the cooler weather to return, but that’s not for at least another 6-7 months. x_x

I failed miserably as an adult today. I fully planned on adulting. Then decided I wanted a fan blowing on me while I watched TV. Then decided I didn’t want to move the one from the bedroom to the living room nor build the one sitting in the living room. So bed it wazzzzzzzzzz


Laundry got done. Dished did not. Trash had not been taken out. And I decided to order Thai delivery as opposed to cook stuff I already paid for. Oh well.


My other answer to the question is that it’s hot right now.

After being reminded of how awesome the theme song is. I’ve decided that I would love to have Earthworm Jim in Smash.

are we talking Earthworm Jim 1 or 2? and if the latter, are you talking about the Saturn version? cause that one was pretty jamming, ngl.

1, snes

The Genesis sound chip was :-1:

i remember that game quite well. the sound of Jim grunting when he lifted up heavy objects always amused me to no end. XD

…unless that was in the second one. :thinking:
