I should have added that wording to my previous post; I too dislike chicken just baked in the oven with no type of injected flavoring rather it be Buttery Garlic or Lemon Pepper, Etc; Plain seasoned on just the outside of the chicken doesn’t put the flavor inside leaving a bland watery taste as you described.
Those you mentioned Mast along with Walmart here in North Carolina have the best tasting Rotisserie Chickens and at $4.95 a bird (Walmart Price) add the veggies and you can feed a family of 4 for around $10.00 give or take a buck or two.
Heck yes!!! Dude that opening performance was stunning!! So hyped for death stranding to come to pc now!! ;D opening trailer showing some WoW love too!
You see that world premiere get cut? The girl who came out after to announce best art award was awkwardly cute .
Pretty curious to see how magic the gathering mmo will look!! I’m a huge magic fan, the lore is there. Just not sure how good the game will actually look!
BUT NOW ITS OUR BOI REGGIE!!! Please give us that new fighter!! Aww man he has shades what a cool guy. I love how he just accepts he’ll be a meme for just existing
IM TEARY FINALLY WOLF AMONG US 2!!! I been waiting for this for YEARS!!! Me and my friends are freaking out!! I really got teary for it and I haven’t cried for a game since MGSV LOL!
Dat hurts the soul! But also I’m HYPED for final fantasy 7!! ;D I really want to get into the mmo and give it more of a shot. But I forget how committing mmo’s can be lol! That’s the only reason why I don’t want to get hooked lol.
Kinda disappointed we got no Nintendo (major Nintendo) announcements. Would’ve been great if Reggie shared something cool with us:). Hopefully a Nintendo direct for Christmas!
ALSO! Swapping to my retail toon to post now, kinda sick of looking at my classic toon