[CS Lounge] Happy holidays

Hello Lvl 3 just saw the lounge category and was able to post there.


I see you there! Congrats on being able to post gifs. :smile:


Stupid questions i thot id be able to post from here but do i copy and paste gifs from elsewhere.

Yup! I use Giphy, I think everyone does.


That has me humming “Peanut Butter Jelly Time”.

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I’m feeling better this morning. Sipping coffee while enjoying some tunes on Spotify and the delicious scent of my ginger pumpkin wax melts. They smell like pumpkin pie baking, complete with browning pie crust.

Have a great day, my friends. And have a hug.


I miss it. Send muh best haha

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Woke up early today. I grt one day where I can sleep as absolutely long as I want. And I was UK at 530

Stupid biological bathroom needs. Oh well.

Watched a little TV, ran a couple ZF to sell hopefully sell some transmogs, and waiting for the nurse to change my dressings.

Later taking son to pizza party and watch g football.

But wish I were sleeping haha.


Goooood morning! I’m running on poptarts and Monster because I didn’t get home from Critical Role live until like 2am :upside_down_face::grimacing::star_struck:


I got my third Ankoan Ally to 20 this morning. Now I need to get them all to 30 for Aqua Team Murder Force for my rank 4 essence. I figure if I do one a day it will take me a month. At least it’s a goal, not like the Mechagon one that is rng.:grin:

Hubby is putting out the Christmas lights. I will make clam chowder for dinner to warm him back up. It’s a bit nippy outside.:christmas_tree:



Inquiring minds want to know.

Btw? I’m currently eating a nice half rack of ribs smothered on bbq saice and iced coffee.


I don’t understand the question and will blame it on my tiredness

Critical role used to be a part of Geek & Sundry youtube I believe, they play D&D with various actors. Felicia Day was in a few of the youtube videos, after The Guild.

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Ah, yea if the question is “what is Critical Role” - it’s a bunch of voice actors that play D&D together. They started as a show on the Geek & Sundry Twitch channel as Kozzae mentioned.

Since then, they’ve split off to be their own studio and now do shows like the ongoing Critical Role campaign (their second one streaming), a “talk show” about Critical Role, a mini painting show, and a drawing tutorial type show. They also do the occasional short series – like a recent “Undeadwood” 4 part video.

The DM for Critical Role is Matt Mercer (Ragnaros in WoW, McCree in Overwatch) but there are players like Liam O’Brien (Illidan in WoW), Laura Bailey (Jaina in WoW/Hearthstone), Travis Willingham (Gazlowe)… and more… but you get the point.

Cool folks, fun shows… but I’m starting to sound like an ad…

I just like their content :slight_smile:


That i didnt know knowledge is power


When you said “from” I thought perhaps you were one of them.

A dear friend and original CSFer , Bossycow, LOVES them and never misses them. She keeps her Facebook peeps apprised of what they do.

Like the Wendy’s thing…


Sorry for the delay. Those ribs were messy



Oh! Ha! I’d love to hang out with that crew for a day or two and see how they run shop. But yea, they were in Austin doing a live show and I attended with a few other Blizz folks last night. It ran pretty late and so I am drowsy :stuck_out_tongue: