[CS Lounge] Happy holidays

If you want to look over the potential for gold making (be it passively OR through selling off pets & xmog), then I would direct you to the WoW Economy subReddit.

Here is a post by an user that covers what they do for gold-farming via raids every week:


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For raw gold, Heart of Fear. Vendor all the greens as they rarely sell on the AH. There are 3 pets in there. Kor’thik Swarmling, Spawn of Garalon and Living Amber.

This is a basic guide if you are just looking for raw gold. YMMV, NAYY.


Awesome. Think I might give that a peak.

I don’t do reddit. Dunno why. So a direct link is perfect for a tool like me haha

I will check out your video as well Ruffle. Thanks tk the awesome responses…

I want to chase the glory of Ling Boi before he is gone.

I know j won’t make it but hopefully what I will. Do is build up a cash pile that allow my sub to survive on tokens more often than not as opposed to my money.

We shall see. Really appreciate the responses

if anyone gripes, just tell em’ “…its a flesh wound.”


Handy information for anyone farming reputation:

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especially helpful, if you’re doing said rep grinds on a human character as well.

got revered with court of farandis, currently working on nightfallen next, as they had some WQ’s that were close to ending, and i need to finish the questing in Suramar anyway. xP

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First cast in this DMF and I got another Sea Pony.


I’ve almost always played Horde, seems the guards in Hammerfall are less welcoming to a LvL 20 Dwarf Paladin then I remember them being when I played my Troll back in Vanilla. :open_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones:


They weren’t that friendly to a Human Warlock when I went there in Vanilla. I did take a few out before I was overwhelmed.

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about a quarter of the way through Ep 3, and just saw this sketch of Caleb and Nott, done by someone named…Takayuuki?

REALLY amazing sketch to say the least.

on a side note, i’m now Revered with Nightfallen as well. got at least another 25 WQ’s to do, before that’s checked off as well.

i may consider working on Valajar rep, as that’s the closest to Revered, out of Dreamweavers and Wardens atm.

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He was in the Arathi Highlands where he shouldn’t be yet (LvL 20).

So I said to myself "self" says I "I remember this place, before we go back to Wetlands where we should be there’s a flight point in a fort just over there".

So I ran to Hammerfall to get the flight path I remembered.

I managed to get all the way to Hammerfall without any problem, and ran in, only then remembering I was Alliance this time.


rolls in (litterally…food coma lingers)

Good morning everyone, hope you’re having a fine weekend :slight_smile:


T minus 12 minutes to Niners and Ravens baby. I really hope it is a SF blowout, and not a good game at all haha.

My son is already not happy as I am about to take the TV from him lolol

I believe that’s one of the voice dialogues when you insult people, or chop off their arms!

So far the games really rad! Community in game is pretty disappointing tho, my first time ever playing not even 10 mins in, and I get called trash and threatened to be kicked :clap::sunglasses:

toooDAY I raid MC ;D and I still have to figure out my lesson for my class tomorrow LOL!

I have been really tired for the last couple of days for some reason. ;_;

Ah well, at least I have a computer components arriving soon! I took this coming Saturday off to build it (and spend some time with my partner too). :smiley:


Happy Weekend, my friends! Enjoy it before Monday is upon us.

The Mandalorian Ep. 4 Spoilers Ahead

Really enjoying the show. I’m glad the Mandalorian didn’t leave baby Yoda behind, but I’m also sad baby Yoda had to leave all those children where he seemed so happy.

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Watching the X Men cartoons from the early 90s in order haha.

Super tired. Waiting for dryer tk finish so I can take a shower and have my loving patient oh so nurturing wife change my dressings.

Then either push some keys with my guild or crash. Not entirely certain which it will be.

pictures Beauregard being taken past the pillow fort in cuffs and manacles
Help. Help. Help.

Noooo!!! /cry

Was on my bank alt that does my pet sales and was posting on the AH … slipped up and learned a pet by not having right AH window open (got distracted).

Doing so, booted my alt off her Broom mount that she had been on since Hallow’s End 2017!!!

/crawls into pillow fort


On a interesting note trying a VR escape room tommorow that sounds interesting.