I get this week off from school, which is nice, but I still gotta get up at 5:45 tomorrow and Tuesday…
Debating on picking up Overwatch next month. I was an old Team Fortress player long ago.
lol, broke 500+ posts, gotta work back up to 36k+
It feels weird knowing I was almost 5k only to be a little under 200, now. wee babben poster again…
I refuse to go to sleep until I hit my next 100 post (which won’t be hard) gonna strive for 500 posts tomorrow.
Don’t forget it’s quality, not quantity. :X
I’m pretty sure the average poster can only get to level 2. Seems like level 3 is for MVP.
Keep in mind quality, as Ammy mentioned; don’t go into threads hours later when the issue’s primarily resolved.
So much this. No point artificially inflating our post counts if we’re not actually helping.
So I can’t just make a ton of threads in the hidden Lounge forum then ?
(yes there’s a hidden Lounge forum only viewable by Trust Level 3’s and above)
(yes there’s a Trust Level 4 … pretty much only Blues at this point)
Blu, you might want to not talk about things that might not meant to be public knowledge.
The trust level 4 thing is kind of public knowledge and can be seen if someone does the json thing on a Blue. Or if they know the platform. It is a moderater only trust level and I believe can only be granted to someone, you can’t actually earn it.
Debating on picking up Overwatch next month. I was an old Team Fortress player long ago.
Do it… If liked Team Fortress you will like it. Same concept but updated and done even better.
Why is everyone so concerned about trust levels and such? And so of our original CSFers are turning in to busy body know it alls. I’m here to help people and have fun.
I could care less about my post count,trust level, or other people’s “quality” posts. If you feel someone’s post is a violation report it. “Schooling” them just causes strife. The Lounge is supposed to be a haven.
Amen to that, brother.
Why is everyone so concerned about trust levels and such?
I guess the extra perks that come along with it are pretty cool. But I’m not going to make unneeded posts to increase my post count sooner.
dang it ! foiled again !
I was going to try to spread posts out by putting one word from my reponse per post but the forum software was like “is this even words?” and “make sense idiot!”
Oh man. Bubble wrap is ruined for me, for like… forever!
The only way bubble wrap can be ruined is if it is pre popped.
I mean how an j supposed tkk out it on the floor and. Jump on it?
Wife goes back to work today. I am off. On the agenda? Laying sideways on the bed and falling asleep. Yup
Used to work in a warehouse on the receiving dock. We’d often receive rather large boxes with rather small contents, usually just stuffed with miles of bubble wrap. One of the most satisfying activities was to unfurl that bubble wrap down one of the aisles and hop on a forklift.
Ah, good times…
Well, I mean I’m not going to go into old threads and post just for the sake of post count, it’s mostly from conversations with others and also commenting on new things what my opinion is or whatnot.