We are Siamese if you please - very chatty? That is my first thought when seeing Siamese.
Also yay kittens! Sounds seriously beautiful. I fostered a little colorpoint (part Siamese) boy. The adopter still keeps in contact with me and gives me updates.
They named him… Blizzard.
She has no idea I have anything to do with games, or Blizzard so I just sort of laugh about it. My little Mouse became Blizzy.
Milo, the ginger one, I got him when he was 4 weeks old, and Snowy, the white one, got him when he was 4 months old. And excuse the mess on the table, an old photo too, and some of it were mine, some of it were my partners.
Good night you lovely people. Orlyia, please take it easy today and don’t stress yourself out. Foxxo’s orders. Pet the kitties, and have a nice hot tea
I think I might go explore the reworked Southern Califonria in American Truck Sim. Saw some of it when it was in the Open Beta, but now it has released, I can fully explore it.
Willow cat is still hiding upstairs since the Saturday incident where she got accidentally locked on the screen porch for hours. I don’t know if she is just really angry at me or if she is not feeling well.
It was 2 hours on a safely locked and closed screen porch but she was very indignant about it! Even though it was her own fault for slipping out there.