[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Thank you, and I did see it. Well, I only saw the red warning sign, and I hovered over it, where it said it was extended LOL

I’mma watch some (1998 - 2006) Charmed, while I wait 'cause that’s all I ever do is watch that show :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

UGH!! So glad you reminded me. I TOTALLY forgot to get a corned beef when I did my grocery shop this week. My husband, who is Irish, would divorce me if we don’t have corned beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes on Monday.


About a foot of snow in the Edmonton region tonight and tomorrow. Gonna be like Christmas again lol.


Valentine’s Day was actually really snowy (for me, anyway) LOL A Christmas Valentine’s Day :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s summer weather for me right now. I love it.

Costco closed there calling the refer trucks construction cut a power line

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That’ll ruin your day for sure. And that reminds me, I need to hit the business costco today. I’m out of snickers!

And for funsies while I’m waiting to leave for my appointment I fired up MAME again, this time for…Speak ‘n’ Math! Loved that thing growing up. So many of my toys were thrown away by my mom as I grew up and this was one of them. I still have the instruction/game book that came with it though. The “word math” (math problems using sentences/paragraphs to spell out what the problem to solve actually was) from my GATE class days went perfectly with that thing.

And yes, there’s actually a Speak ‘n’ Math ROM for MAME. Go figure. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the suggestions! I’ll take a gander and see if any seem like a good fit for me.

Been a bit since I had a retro game romp. I should dedicate a night for that.

If you have a stable table to put the Dragon onto, that might be the best one to get. And I’m not kidding about an eight way joystick being kind of necessary for a lot of older arcade games since that was (and still is) the standard used. I had originally considered the Victrix fight stick, but it’s more expensive and has less features.

I do wish I’d have picked up an X-Arcade trackball while Fry’s still had them a decade ago. Maybe someday I’ll find the parts to build the ultimate 80s setup (especially for games like 720º).

The housing stuff looks really fun. They have some interiors out on general.

I have SHOPPED! I have this year’s supply of corned beef, a fair bit of dairy/cheese, taters, cabbage, carrots, ice cream, and various other things for the pantry that were on sale. Then I used my coupon for 10% off. I only saved $65 today… I spent $95. Almost half off the total bill between all the sales and the coupon. I feel like I win, or something.

I should make some crusty rustic bread later this week with some caraway seeds in it! Pseudo rye. I got cream cheese to go on it too.

New WoW news???

/runs to look


I have 3 corn beefs now. Two in the freezer and one in the fridge. Gotta stock up when they’re on sale.

It’s not really political I think, but the new head of the HHS has said he is going to work on getting all artificial dye out of our food system. That would make my life soooo much easier. Not having to read every label for yellow dye. All the Saint Patrick’s Day stuff dyed green makes me shudder. It has yellow in it too.


On the plus side, our PTO does carry over from year to year; didn’t use it all this year? No sweat, as long as you’re not maxed out.

Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…

As much as I’d love to stock up, I just don’t have the freezer space. We need another freezer.


Exactly! That is what I do too. One for the fridge, and two for the freezer.

The update on Housing for WoW is amazing. I got emotional almost. It has SO many things I always wanted.

  • Total freedom to move things anywhere, without collision (if we want).
  • Ability to move things on any axis and rotate on any axis. We can put things upside down floating if we want.
  • Ability to scale the size of items within a pretty large range.
  • Ability to have items snap to a parent object - so we can move a bookcase and the books move with it.
  • Ability to make all the walls and rooms we want inside.
  • I see that windows are moveable objects like a painting!
  • House size outside and inside are customizable. Like a bag of infinite holding. Mansion inside what looks like a shack!
  • Multiple themes based on culture/races were mentioned.
  • Wallpapers, flooring, etc sound customizable
  • DYES for new items (not legacy graphics assets) for more than just the fabric color, the metal and wood frames can be changed too.
  • HUGE palate of colors for the dye system.

I am going to have to make a Lounge in the WoW housing system when it is up and running.


Two big questions -

  • Will you allow visitors?
  • How many visitors, exactly?
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Oh! I had not thought about it. I tend to be a very solo player. You raise a good point though. Like…what if we can have a cross server Neighborhood? Cross server visitors?

As long as they can’t edit or anything like that I just might let people in!

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I, too, am a very solo player. I used to raid, back in Vanilla / BC - that doesn’t hold any appeal for me any longer. Most of what I do in WoW is for my own pleasure - collect pets & mounts, collect achievements, complete every quest in every area (when I can), raise reputations.

So - I’m looking forward to housing - just for me. I loved playing with dolls / Barbies when I was a kid - not because I liked the dolls (I didn’t), I liked decorating and rearranging the housing. Coming up with things from around the house that I could re-purpose for furniture and decor.


The first article touched on that a bit, I think:

Deeply Social: World of Warcraft is more fun with other players, and Housing should be no different. While players can enjoy housing purely on their own, its systems are designed at a fundamental level to encourage interacting, playing, and progressing with friends, neighbors, guilds, and the wider community in a meaningful way.

My gut tells me that it would be similar to our Garrisons (remember those? Man, I really need to get back there and dust).

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Well were still closed atm. But we havent pulled the freezer dairy and produce coolers yet.

Party at Mirasols! Bring your own! Don’t let the cats out.