[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Adds a goblin rocket pack to my swift flight form and brings down the house.

Yeah even OW is wonky (+ the Bnet launcher). Saw recent threads about it, so they seem aware lol

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Been doing tech support for Blizzard games starting with D2 since ~2000.

I miss the Santa Clara pen I got from the bowling alley I used to work at. No other pen has ever written so smoothly for me before or since. Sadly one day I tried to remove the cap that I had put onto the back end of the pen while writing so it wouldn’t get lost and it snapped the pen’s casing and made it so the head no longer stayed in place. :frowning:

Keep 'em for the sentimentality! I’d love to have the old hand counter I used to have as a kid, like this one only older. Much much older (and probably more durable).

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with a

The Battle.net app has been a half-broken pile of bloatware that borders on malware for years now. It’s worse for the macOS folks because of how permissions are handled on modern macOS versions, but it isn’t always a walk in the park for Windows users either.


I think the centaur got out of bed to handle those threads >.>


That would imply he went to bed already. We know he’s often up until 3 am his time playing OW. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:



Mornin’ folks. It’s the weekend!!!

We’ve had a nice long walk, now it’s time to be lazy have a nice, restful day. I think I’m going to actually take a bit of a drive - just pick a direction and drive for a bit. Long enough to work through the gas I have in it, at least. I’m not even sure when the last time I got gas was; probably January some time.

Bowling last night went alright; I only missed my average by a couple pins.

Coffees the lounge


Immediately double checks date

You…you can’t do that. I still have two days! :dracthyr_cry:

Good morning. Good deal sore today but feeling good. Due for some rain here for the next couple days so that puts a bit of a pause on outdoor activities.

You all have a good Wednesday!


I have to burn PTO or I lose what would accrue (except for one hour) at the end of the month. I really need to take a week off a couple times a year. But after working fast food for so long, pretty much any desk job is vacation-like.


Yeah, always frustrating so many places do it that way, you have to use them somewhere or else they just vanish.

Enjoy the PTO, though! I’ll just have to work on my chronomancy to get to payday a bit faster. :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent news! Leveling up those IRL goals is fantastic. I am sore too because I not only caulked and painted the front porch foundation wall (about 11’ long x 4’ high, I cut back a large shrub that is at least double my height (or was), cleaned gardens, weeded, etc. Then I lounged on the deck in the sun reading. Every sore muscle is something I need to learn to use again, or practice using.

I NEED to go to the store today and get some fresh things like half and half for my coffee. I also need to get the corned beef on sale for the year. I esp love them in fall or winter. Of course, taters and cabbage are also on sale and keep well so I can get mats for slaw, potato salad, etc.

In the gardens all my garlic is up! So, I should have about 15 heads of very large garlic if all goes well this growing season. My sibling is already making plans to “borrow” some… Need to make myself get that raised bed/shelf thing on wheels finished. That will take a few days.

/Cleans the lounge, sets out hot, fresh, coffee vats, fills the gnome pool, sets out the hot water kettle, and sets out some cold juices, sparkling waters, etc. Sets out a lots of assorted bagels, a large make your own breakfast sandwich buffet, bagel spreads, fruit, and banana nut muffins.

:coffee: :teapot: :bagel: :bacon: :egg:

If I can just make myself leave the house I get to call today a success. We shall see. Anything else is a bonus.


I really, really need to get a competent arcade stick. Just fired up MAME for some old school Contra action and it’s absolutely brutal trying to play that game with a D-Pad, especially Sony’s pathetic excuse for one. Nintendo had the best D-Pad of them all with the SNES and for some reason nobody wants to use that style anymore, so arcade stick it’ll have to be.

Then I can practice and regain my ability to beat the game on the hardest difficulty on a single life. Kinda wish there was an all-in-one arcade setup that had a trackball, twin joysticks, mirrored buttons, and rotating joystick tops (for games like Ikari Warriors). Really wish arcade quality trackballs weren’t so niche. I’d love me some Crystal Castles or Marble Madness.

I don’t have a choice today. I have to go out because I have an appointment for a hearing evaluation. I intend to ask about tympanoplasty to see if I can recover what hearing I had in my right ear years ago. I don’t need enough hearing to fully discern what the sound is, but at least what I had before, which allowed me to localize where a sound was coming from, which is virtually impossible to do with just one ear.

It’s going to be a super rainy day, so I get to deal with others that still have no clue how to drive in wet weather, but at least it’s a free car wash.


Saving my energy for the first production meeting for a community theatre production of SIX that I’m working on tomorrow.


Hope you all enjoying your morning!

Back at work this afternoon. Hoping the servers come up when scheduled so I can knock out as many quests as I can! On vacation too in just over a week from now. Planning to use that time to work on achievements in the game!

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That’s a great way to look at it. My folks have asked me to give their great dyne walks here soon. I imagine I will be having quite a workout after one of those. He’s a big guy!

I have to go to the store soon too. Probably stock up on more snacks to bring to work. Outside of that think I’ll do some writing.

I love the Contra games! Fully agree playing them on the DPad is the worst feeling. I picked up the Contra collection on Steam recently since it has my favorite, Contra 3. Playing on a stick is so much better than the dpad the SNES was stuck with.

I want to get a stick too, but I don’t know any that are both affordable and well made.

Good plan! At least some sort of healthy snack bars or whatever your docs recommend. Just watch the sugar levels - some are basically candy bars in disguise! I don’t even like them that much, but I keep breakfast bars and granola bars handy for when I really can’t make myself cook but know I need to eat something to keep my blood sugar stable.

Of course clementines, raw veg, grapes, nuts/trail mix, and a few other things are fantastic too. I should not talk about this when sort of hungry and needing to go to the store!

/mumbles about corned beef on sale and such, makes a list

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The SNES game was designed with the D-Pad in mind though. It worked pretty well and I had no issues with it. The arcade however is another matter entirely. It needs a joystick, badly.

Shame there aren’t any arcades around anymore, especially with older games. I used to go to the Astro Fun Center in Imperial Beach, CA and I’d get crowds standing around me whenever I played Contra. The hardest difficulty is brutal. Think Nintendo Hard™ on steroids. There’s a very nasty surprise in store for you if you sit in one place without moving the screen forward for a long enough time - four insanely fast player tracking objects fly at you, one from each corner of the screen. And by insanely fast, I mean they appear and kill you in the span of about 15 frames, if that.

Hori has the Alpha series arcade sticks for $200 which are decently made, but they use Hayabusa parts. There is the May Flash 500 Elite that uses Sanwa parts, which are far, far superior to Hayabusa. My only real gripe is that most sticks use convex buttons and not the concave buttons arcades of the day used.

Edit: The joystick posted here uses a four way lever. The Contra arcade used an eight way joystick, so that’s something to keep in mind if you want accuracy (you’ll see why when you try to aim with a D-Pad on the arcade game).

Edit 2: The Qanba Dragon uses a Sanwa Denshi joystick, which should be a proper 8-way part. This may end up being the arcade stick I go with.

*Eats the list, except for the part that has corned beef - yech*

:memo: :plate_with_cutlery:

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That’s usually me, but I ended up being a responsible adult last night and went to bed, early. I’m PST, so after I posted around a bit, I crashed LOL

Looks like maintenance has been extended for another hour. Update came out a few minutes ago! Expected time up is now at 9:00AM PDT.

Figured I would mention here! :slight_smile: