If anyone here on the forums are anywhere within SE QLD or Northern NSW, stay safe.
I left my window open while I was sleeping, and I’m just hearing this torrent of rainfall and wind. Gonna be yucky all day.
Glad to hear bowling went well!
Wait! You need that! I think!
Or at least I need the pot to wake up a bit. Got some coffee but didn’t have time to make it this morning.
Good morning, S2 starting off strong, already downing T8 Delves, almost beat Underpin this morning. It gets downright hectic, the adds are too durable to burn them down so I think the idea is to rush the boss.
I’ll figure it out once I’m off work.
Hope you all have a good day!
Oh no!!!
/Makes up the large fresh vats of coffee, sets up the hot water kettle, sets out the tea assortment and beverage goodies (cream, sugar, cinnamon, milk, syrups, etc.). Sets out a platter of assorted bagels and toppings as well as some muffins.
Going to be very windy today with thunderstorms. I put the giant Boston fern outside so it can get force cleaned and watered. It hates inside and is shedding a ton of leaflets. A good storm should clean it up!
Tried the Goblin event in D4 but so far have not found any goblins. Sadness.
Other than that, just trying to put together a list for when I go to Walmart to return that shower curtain that is the wrong color. I can get dry goods and house goods that they don’t ship. Maybe even some fresh groceries if I remember to bring an insulated bag. Not going in the storms today, but SOON. It takes me days of prep to leave the house, esp to face something like a big box store.
Good luck - You got this!
We’re getting the wind tomorrow (and wintry temps again). The rain’s stopped, but we’re getting more later… right when I start my lunch (which we usually walk for part of). So today’s going to be a lot of walking around the house (or walking in place).
I haven’t run the new LFR yet. Maybe I’ll get a character or two set up for that later.
grabs more coffee
Try the bottom two zones of Nahantu. I’ve found a bunch there. I’m about half done with the rep. You can ride mindlessly around on your mount or just walk around and get exp killing stuff while you look.
I got an update yesterday about my computer, and me and my partner needs to get pest control into our place. Like, I am seriousluy confused, cockroaches managed to get into my computer, and well, it killed the GPU, Damaged the Motherboard, and was close to almost killing the PSU, though going to replace the PSU if that is the case.
Now, the part I am confused about, I never even notice a roach problem here in my place. In fact, don’t even see them at all, until my partner pulled all the furniture away from where it originally was to find a hole in the wall from a rat or a mouse, and a nest of cockroaches around that hole. So, the building is effected by roaches, which is bad, and there is a rat or mouse living within the walls, and making holes, which is quite bad too.
I got all itchy reading that.
ACK! I can cope with mice (and trap them). I can patch holes they come in from - did that in the garage before winter because one was living in my engine!
Bugs though, EWWWWW. Some are allowed in the house like spiders who can eat the ants or crickets. Swarm bugs are upsetting though. Roaches and esp the threat of bed bugs. I once saw a documentary on them while on travel and never trusted hotels again. Just argh.
I do hope you can get the situation remedied. They like warm places and a water supply so any other electronics or warm spots may also be impacted. Microwaves, stoves, fridge motors, under sinks and around hot water pipes.
Yeah, had a look in the kitchen and bathroom, and they were hiding in a couple of other places, but within the bathroom, and lucky, not near any of the other electronics. So, going to get a pest exterminator to deal with it, and my partner is going to take care of the hole in the wall.
The “rule” is if you see roaches, you’ve really got a problem. I mean, you have a problem, but visible roaches basically means they’re overcrowded. Of course, the easiest to replace (and cheapest) thing they could have cooked is the one they didn’t get to.
Here’s to hoping you get that all sorted soon!
Just checked the rain gauge - we received nearly two inches of rain overnight. I imagine the river’s going to be pretty high for the next couple days.
Yeah, getting it sorted. Going to cost a bit, but honestly, rather spend money to fix a problem before it gets far worse. Issue is, because I live in apartment building, it would actually be everywhere within the building, but I am just extremely surprised I had them inside my apartment, considering been making sure my place had no place for any creepy crawlies
I was afraid of that. Most of the time it is the building that is infested and the landlord does not take care of it. Then they get through the walls into the apartments of even the clean people.
Check with the building - they need to do the extermination and should be paying for most of it, or a part of it. I think.
I am so so sorry to hear this whole thing
Oh jeez, I’m real sorry to hear. I’m hoping you can get it all cleaned up!
Well I Bought and installed Monster Hunter Wilds the other day, so I set it to download while I was at the VA yesterday. I got a call from my dad, he said the power went out. I was like Okay? So I check the power company, and they said there was and outage in the area. I told my dad, and we left it at that.
On the way home, I come over the main hill leading into town (I live in the Texas Hill Country), I saw something like an Australian Dust storm blowing in, everything was orange and the wind was nuts. So got home, and the power was still out, and they was saying it would be restored by 5pm.
Well, the power was restored today at 1pm, spent the night in a freezing house, no heat or power. It’s 3 now, House in warm, ordered takeout, and now I can play the game.
Yikes! That sounds pretty scary to come home to. Glad you folks are ok. I am pretty sure I would be doing comfort food and a fun activity after that too.
Protip: Don’t bother farming for them in the season event zones. They’ll be wiped out before you ever see them. Farm in non-helltide and non-season event zones. I’ve killed a few hundred so far, though I’ve only had two successful gelatinous kills due to the poofing bug (they can fix this by making that goblin unstoppable for the first two phases and CCable after the final split so it can’t be frozen until phase 3).
Oh, and the tribute of refinement is disabled even though no pinned notification is up stating so. Odeous gobs dropping 500 obducite is apparently fine but a 4/4 undercity run dropping 4k isn’t.
And apparently I need to treat hot chocolate like I do apple juice wherein if I haven’t had any in a while and my body isn’t used to it, drink tiny amounts until I’m used to it again. Had the hot chocolate become hot…other stuff from drinking too much at once. Definitely not a pleasant way to spend my morning.
The river has filled its banks. And the park (which is the flood plain around this part of town) is pretty swampy. It’s a small river (maybe 35’ across and typically not much more than a couple feet of water), so it isn’t a huge risk, but I still wouldn’t want to be camping tonight (for more reasons than the cold).
Did I throw you into the wall too hard. I think I more than put you to sleep. I think I really turned you into a “death” knight.
Good evening, I hope everyone is having a good day. Back at work, we are running peppermint tonight