A real hoopy frood, definitely knows where his towel is.
Sigh im in a arguement with anohter trekkie as to weather or not STV episode living witness is the closests thing voyager got to a mirror universe episode wich most fans consider it a psudo mirror universe episode.
Mornin’ folks.
I have a physical coming up next week, so today is blood draw day. Yippie. Should be a quick visit. And then I can finally have breakfast (and coffee!).
Mighty crisp out there today. Clear as can be, too. The moon was nice and bright; it’s just past full. The city is out finishing up the snow removal from Wednesday night’s snow. They focus on clearing roads when the snow stops, then the next morning they get all the piles out of the parking areas. Lots of front end loaders and dump trucks rumbling around.
Looks at the coffee longingly “Soon, my precious!”
Muskegon Police are offering a special evening for that special ex in your life.
—Provided they’ve got some outstanding warrants or have been involved in a crime.
The department announced the Valentine’s Day program on social media promising to pick your ex up in the finest luxury vehicle the city has to offer, shower them with new jewelry (silver goes with everything!), and guarantee a 2nd— or even 3rd date!
Oh speaking of which, happy valentines day everyone who does celebrate it.
Hi all. This is Misbecky. I finally got back on. For a few days the forums said I needed a level 10 character to post on. I have no idea who this guy is. Some old alt. It won’t let me choose who to post on.
We didn’t get as much snow as they said. 3 or 4 inches at best. Another round starts late tonight and lasts all weekend. Maybe 7 inches in total. We shall see.
I had that bug a while back, and I think I saw Vrak post something about it being an off-and-on issue they can’t track down, but it fixes itself. Perhaps someone has a link.
We’re looking at a foot here this weekend. Oh - and 25 mph gusts on Sunday. Even better!
And I’ve got my coffee. Life is good.
Good morning, happy Friday!
Nothing too exciting going on over here. Had to get to work, run home because I forgot my meds and then rush back to work, and then sign in to all my work stuff.
My work email received an email from some complete stranger with a gmail account, with a .pdf attachment about an opening for a ‘remote personal assistant’ position. It’s quite possibly the laziest .pdf I’ve ever seen, entirely plain New Times Roman in 12 point, with a link that I’m asked to manually copy and paste even though it’s a hyperlink, and exceedingly sparse on the details.
May very well be a phishing attempt although I’m questioning how my email got out there. Could be someone trying to prank me as well. I didn’t download the .pdf so it can just sit right in there, sure not visiting that link.
Fine with that being the excitement for today.
@Poctz, really that’s the worst part, not being able to really have anything before the tests. Hope the coffee is tasty!
Anyway, have a great day and weekend, and take care of yourselves. I’ll be my own valentine this year, think I’m making good progress in taking care of myself and working out things that dragged me to bad places. I’m pretty pumped with the progress so far.
@Poctz, yeah, not being able to have anything beforehand is the worst part. Hope the coffee was good!
Happy Hallmark Holliday everyone! You are loved every day of the year and no amount of silly gifts are needed to validate you. I do enjoy the humor though in some of the little cards kids share. I am amusing myself by thinking of the kinds of WoW based silly valentines cards that might be exchanged. All the bad dadgar jokes that could be used.
/Tidies up the lounge and cleans all the things. Sets out huge Friday sized vats of coffee, the hot water kettle, cocoa, juices/cold beverages, and all the toppings and creamers. Sets out some blueberry pancakes, bacon, syrup (real of course), toast, and assorted grab and go pastries.
I am about to get my own cup of coffee and contemplate what to destroy…I mean fix today. I ended up tearing apart the linen closet in the upstairs bathroom finally. Started plastering and caulking. Found a missing baseboard nailed in a random place. Need to trim that to fit again. The space size changed after they put in new tile which is why it was pulled off. Eventually it will get primed and painted. I already started scrubbing the walls in prep. The fun part is now I also have to sort all the linens, towels, and everything else that lived in there! Telling myself I don’t need 25 year old nail polish. Trash.
It help to try to turn my anxiety and overwhelming dread into something productive.
/Sets a bowl of silly shaped chocolates out as well. I mean, they are on sale right now after all.
“Did you step on a leyline this morning? Because you’re brighter than an Arcane Surge.”
That’s the best Dadgar Valentine line I got.
I’ve worked in places that “test” their employees with phishing emails, so it could be that.
Happy anti singles day.
Yeah, I think so. Well, I may have been out of the game for a bit but they’re gonna have to try harder to catch me napping.
Maybe if they did it before I woke up for the day.
/grabs a cup of coffee and go sit by the fan to enjoy the cup of coffee…
what about this one
Happy Singles Awareness Day everyone!
I said gifts, not gifs! I love cute gifs!
The day that waiters and waitress’ go. Yay! I’m going to make bank today! Oh wait! It’s…Friday. Waste of a good holiday.
Waiters and waitresses cash in on this holiday, not a waste for them.
Some people celebrate the day after, because stuff is on clearance and due to busy lives. The day after is not so bad just less of a crowd to deal with.
I met a customer who told me they pick out a card for each other at the store, give the card to one another and then put it back on the shelf. That’s not a bad idea considering most cards wind up in the garbage.