[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Yes you can!
Do be sure to turn off the coffee pot if you find it empty. If you find it at all.


my dog gus says hi too. he is a standard poodle. he is white has black spots. his father was silver/grey poodle his mother white poodle. he only poodle in group like this. he is 1 yr old. I call him spotted cow.


Toe Knee & Mrggria? That is the fight I was referencing.

Toe Knee has been glitched since Blizz hotfixed him.

Is Mrggria also glitching now?

Yup! Iā€™m unable to 1-shot that boss as everytime I attempt to, It glitches completely out. Even waiting for the RP to end or any other tactic wouldnā€™t even work tonight. Even with all of my gear not equipped. Encounter is more broken than ever before.

There was a long-standing bug with the fight that if you DID one-shot Toe-Knee then the fight would glitch.

So Blizz finally applied a hotfix a while back. Unfortunately, that caused the fight to glitch if you DID NOT one-shot him.

Hopefully it can all get sorted eventually.

Make sure u dont drink the one labled swimming pool that looks like a coffee pot that for gnomes.


We clearly need another math holiday, I suggest 23rd June.




So, I figured out the fatigue was keto flu, because now that it and the headaches are gone, I feel amazing. Iā€™m also happier than Iā€™ve been in a long time!

I canā€™t wait until it affects my memory. I remember last time I was on keto, my memory improved so much that I was remembering things from years ago that I hadnā€™t been able to remember in ages.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful week, itā€™s almost Friday! Iā€™m itching to log on this weekend to participate in the HS anniversary event! I want all the things. :dracthyr_heart:


I hope you get them all! I am still working on the disc mount. It does not even show up in my mount journal as something I can get which confuses me. I must be doing something wrong.

It will be 75F here today!! Crazy warm for March. Batteries are charged for the new electric mower. I shall test it to see if I can start and use it today. I donā€™t need to mow, but I can at least see if it is something I can handle while I can still return it!


What?!? If you find the coffee pot empty, you MAKE MORE COFFEE! :stuck_out_tongue:


Which is weird, because Iā€™m pretty sure the Stone of the Hearth has been in the toybox for at least a few weeks.

Thereā€™s been a band of rain pushing across my neck of the woods since before dawn. It was absolutely pouring when I got up to have my (cancelled) morning walk, and itā€™s still going. At least itā€™s down to a drizzle for now. But it looks like weā€™re going to get some good rain later today. Quite a bit cooler, too. And of course, theyā€™re saying snow for the next few days, too.


four cards left


I got my cards done. I just need the mount. 11am try was a dud. Just a wildcard.



3 left. Still only two bags.

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Just got killed by Aurostar. First death in a long time on that character. I got a two minute countdown button where the release spirit should be, and the recap button. Iā€™ve never seen that before.

That is to prevent you from losing out on possible loot by being removed from his loot table should you release and not be able to tag again before he dies.

Blizz changed that a long while back in respect to current world boss kills.


Also cuts down on boss zerging. Boss encounters shouldnā€™t need to be designed to account for GY zergs. :slight_smile:

I think in the past some bosses just put an insta-kill debuff on players but this is much more elegant.

I got Compass Rose from the Hearthstone event. Sarge dropped the first time I participated, and after that, I just got cards. After reading what a few people were saying, I swapped toons. I had my Paladin in Stormwind. I hopped on my druid and went to Valdrakken. The first kill was Compass Rose.

I just got back indoors after picking greens from my garden. It feels great to be outdoors. Iā€™m typically upbeat, but being outdoors definitely makes me even happier. I took Yoki, my working-line German Shepherd, outside with me. She loves the outdoors, too.

Hereā€™s a picture of her when she was four months old. Sheā€™s much bigger now, actually large for a female shepherd. Sheā€™s mistaken for a male quite often. Sheā€™s graduated from the halter to a simple collar around her neck.


Grats on the drops!

Yoki is very adorable.