[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Funny you mention that Mirasol - I just did the same thing myself last week.

Except they wanted to raise my bi-weekly cut to 60 bucks (and my yard is NOT big at all).

Within 3 months, that new mower will have paid for itself.


oh man yall getting quoted so muchā€¦

Iā€™d do it for both of you just for cookies and ice cream. I love electric lawn mowers.


Electric mowers are great. We have one. I typically use it in the fenced-in space for our dogs; however, for everything else, itā€™s either my gas-powered mower or the Husqvarna zero-turn mower. We live on four acres.


Id do it for.subscription for life.

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Yeahā€¦ I am expecting the rates for my tiny yard go to up too which is part of why I did this. I am hoping I can handle the weight and maintenance on the new electric mower. It had a self propelled drive on it so that should help with the weight issue.

I had a neighbor who mowed it and bagged it for me for $25 but he got divorced so moved away years ago, so no more less expensive lawn service. Thank goodness some of my medical issues are a bit better right now. Fingers crossed they stay that way.

Never try to move something heavy when you are tiny. A neighbor saw me try to take the box out of my car a bit ago and dashed over to do it for meā€¦and took the mower out of it too! No lifting for me. It is a 40V Ryobi model that should be powerful enough to handle everything I need and then some. My yard is small. Grass catcher assembled and batteries charging right now.

Yay! I hope yours works out well too. The cost is just insane.

Awww too bad you are on the other coast! I would have you over just to lounge on the deck even. Much love and cookies.


My son does our neighbourā€™s yard for them. Theyā€™re not used to having to take care of a large yard (theirs is one of the biggest in the neighbourhood), so he cuts it for them for $35CDN a cut. He also only cuts it when necessary. So if itā€™s been dry, he doesnā€™t cut it. But if itā€™s been warm and rainy and the grass is growing, he asks them if they want it cut.

He made good money last summer with just that lawn and we tried to convince him and his friend to go around offering their services to cut maintain lawns in walking distanceā€¦but theyā€™reā€¦ā€œnot motivatedā€ enough (coughā€¦lazyā€¦cough).


Just need four cards and Iā€™ll have all the stuff from the event. Still working on getting bags for as many characters as I can, but at the rate Iā€™m going, everyone wonā€™t be getting one of those. Eh - oh, well.


Perl you think your son would come to Alberta to mow my lawn?



Mid Atlantic US? Send him here! That equates to about what my former neighbor used to charge me. Heh.

I wish more kids wanted to mow and could be reliable but we donā€™t seem to have that here. The kids on my street are still too young to push mowers, or they grew up and went to college/moved on with life.

This is what has always been done for me too. I donā€™t even have to ask them not to mow if it is too hot or dry. He just looks at the grass in general and makes the decision. Summer it might only get done once in a month if it is too hot. It helps the lawn quite a lot to avoid mowing unless needed.


My brother and I did that when we were children. He hired me as his assistant. We mowed lawns in our neighborhood, and he picked up lawns in other neighborhoods, which were also about 20 minutes away. I only worked with him a few summers and then branched off and did my own stuff: sewing/embroidery. However, I still dropped him off and picked him up at places outside of our neighborhood. I have not thought about that in years, so thanks for jogging that memory. Good times. :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll bring the peach lemonade and a not so fuzzy Kitteh


I kept the lawn guys. Yeah, it would be cheaper to cut it ourselves, but no way are we going out in that heat to do yard work! Hate it! I get a discount for paying yearly, and they do all the yard-y type stuff, not just mowing. We love our lawn guys.

I was in palm springs when it was 95-100f and i saw people pushign carts in all black at a grocery store dear god im glad my job doesnt have a uniform.

Finally looted the last item I needed from the Hearthstone 10th Anniversary event in-game! Got all of the achieves earned too.

So all done doing the event now. Going back to doing my weekly stuff now!


Ya know, it really looks like it was destined to be so ā€¦


So just a heads up if you decide to farm Mythic Karazhan for the mount this week. I advise against doing it this week.

Opera boss is completely busted. I took off all of my gear and still glitched the boss after a single hit. Couldnā€™t hearth out, use my invisibility spells or even logout of the game to get out of combat.

Ended up having to use the unstuck tool to get my character kicked off my server and moved. Submitting a bug report now on Bug Report Forum.


I have no issues so long as I one-shot him. However, he will glitch out if not one-shot.

Last couple of times I did it with a friend, we missed the one-shot and it glitched. Luckily I was able to use my Natureā€™s Beacon toy to get out. I then logged onto some alts and pulled my friend out with a dungeon summons.

Next run we one-shot and had no issues at all.

For the Westside Story boss, You cannot 1-shot them as it has two bosses. After you kill the one boss the other one activates. And that is where the problem is. I tried to 1-shot it and even stood around waiting for the RP to end before trying to kill it.

I donā€™t know what is going on, But itā€™s a game-breaking bug as no one can get around it this week. Currently trying to get a carry via Trade Services Channel for low level characters to carry me thru this one boss.

Not Toriyama sama!

I was so hoping for a Chrono Trigger remakeā€¦

On the brighter side of news. I discovered the Hearthstone party this morning when I woke up. I didnā€™t catch it when it started.
I got the mount on my first boss kill. Bag for Merdrah on the second kill. Been using a Hunter to get bag #3. No luck but I just got all of the other goodies. All I have left is more bags for alts and the rest of the cards.
I installed Hearthstone this morning and opened what seemed like two dozen card packs. Luckily for me the game remembered that I played the tutorial. I wasnā€™t looking forward to that again. Not that I mind listening to Laura.

Oh yeah. Leveled my Drakthyr to 70 today too. He got bag #2.

can i say hi in this thread? hello.