[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

So now just sending out alts who have yet to get their bag. I have all the other items for the event.

Hopefully I can get more bags before the event ends.

Woot! Got the Compass Rose mount on my EU alt and a bag (which she desperately needed).

Butā€¦ I was going to play Legendary Tales VRā€¦

HS and WOW team putting together events I want stuff from! grumbles


Sigh thwre this great startrek pun but unfortunately the txt in thw backgroumd wouldnt be allowed so i just say it.

Why cant humans hear dogs whistle

Because dogs cant whistle.

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I found it, but itā€™s an odd facebook pic so I canā€™t find a link to just post the image.

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Just make sure its not the one with rikers sometjing in the background

Spencer and Penny Goldens Forever page.

Yesterday was ā€œWe play silent tennis, itā€™s like regular tennis but without the racketā€


Decent night bowling - was above average all three games. So was the other guy on my team that made it (one was out sick).

The other team, however, did substantially better that we did. :frowning: Their lead-off bowler had a perfect game going into the 10th frame of the second game, when he left a big split. Of course, he just had to throw a perfect game the third game. One of two on the night.



I donā€™t miss traffic. Iā€™m 100% remote.


Im sure ur not the only one that would agree to that weather or not theyd say it is another matter.


Gonna feel like summer here in British Columbia by this weekend. Supposed to reach 18Ā°C (64Ā°F) here by this weekend and possibly into the low 20s by mid next week.

Forest fires are already starting here to in my region. We had a small one ignite today across the lake again from my city. Same area where the large McDougall Creek and White Rock Lake fires burned past couple of years.


were hitting 12 on monā€¦

Same. They tried to get us back to the office (in Missouri), for ā€œcollaboration.ā€ My boss and one co-worker live in California, and the other is not willing to RTO for safety reasons - the office is in a sketchy part of town. I just moved back to Michigan last year, before they started making noise about going back. They asked why I wasnā€™t going into the office, and I just told them I was hired as work from home.

I will say I miss the interactions with people in the office. Guess I should try to get out more and socialize.

Weā€™ve been in the mid 60s the last couple days, but weā€™re supposed to get a bit of a cold snap early next week, which is pretty typical Michigan spring weather (all over the place).


This was always the stressful part for me. I was lucky enough to be freed from normal office ropes in 2007. I had to travel a ton so had no real schedule besides ā€œget the work done and make it to all your meetingsā€.

  • It was great for my health issues. I really needed the flexibility. The customer does not care if the work got done at 3am or 3pm, just so long as it is done on time.
  • No commute meant getting 2 hours of my life back.
  • No commute meant spending a lot less on gas, tolls, and car expenses.
  • No office meant a reduced budget for work clothing.
  • Ability to jump up and turn on a crock pot, put laundry in the dryer, or take care of a little thing was priceless. SO MUCH less stress. I could even mow the lawn during a lunch break!
  • I was home for packages most of the time.

With modern communications there is very very little I need to physically be there for and I am really grateful. I can even do telemed now! Medicare used to not allow it but during the pandemic they approved it and YAY! I donā€™t have to drive and wait for a 15 min medical check-in to renew my meds!

I DID venture out yesterday though - Callie (15yrs) had a vet check up and blood work. Hoping the anemia, high white blood cell counts, kidney disease, and pancreatitis are all resolved. Her body condition is good and she is eating well. Seems happy and normal so fingers crossed.

Weather here is going to be in the 70ā€™s (21+ Celsius) today and tomorrow. I have plans for deck sitting, reading, and maybe some garden work if the mud dries out enough. I also have two pea plants sprouting in the garden!!! Very excited. Those were decade old seeds I threw in not expecting much.

Down to just the Hearthstone mount now and a few cards to finish off the achievement. Bags for alts as well. I kind of like the timed events like this. It sets a cadence to the day and it actually helps me get things done that I mentally schedule in my head.


Just had to post thisā€¦


Holy Tauren the mods are 404ā€™ing these rage posts at lightning speed. At least let me feel the heat of the dumpster fire before you extinguish it!


They allowed people to return to the office if they wanted; however, it was not forced. A few co-workers on my team said they missed the office setting and returned to the office a few days weekly. Even before the pandemic, half the company worked from home. They donā€™t have an office in my state, and when companies stated it was mandatory to come back to the office, our CEO quickly sent a comprehensive company email saying you donā€™t have to come back to Work in the office daily if you donā€™t want to. Of course, there are times when management has to go in for some meetings; however, for the most part, weā€™re at home. I must say this is the best company Iā€™ve ever worked for. Benefits are excellent; they go out of their way to promote healthy boundaries, Work, and take time off.

Thatā€™s great! I also found myself nodding along with your reasons for enjoying working from home. My commute was also about two hours, often more if an accident occurred on the road.

Itā€™s 71F here, and tonight, the low will be 46F. Iā€™m about to go outside and start planning my garden. Next week, the temperature will drop into the 30s on Tuesday.


Iā€™m wearing shorts right now!! Thatā€™s how nice it is here in southern ON today :slight_smile:

:poultry_leg: :potato:



I just talked to the vet about Callieā€™s blood work. Mild kidney disease but no changes in that. Not unexpected for a 15 year old. All the rest came back great! No pancreatitis anymore, no anemia anymore, and no infection anymore.

Also, I bought an electric lawnmower today given that my gas one likely does not work after a decade of neglect and I hate using it. The cost to have my lawn done is $45 per cut which works out to be about $720 a year. Mower was $599. So, that should pay for itself in a year if I can actually do the mowing. Going to try to set it up tomorrow and see if I can use it safely or not. If my medical issues prevent it, then it is a no-go. Hoping I can though. That would save me a bit on the lawn this year, and in the next years it would certainly be benefit.


Glad to hear the catā€™s alright!

There are a couple people in the neighborhood with electric mowers. Iā€™d gladly switch to one, if the neighbor didnā€™t do our lawn (among the many other things he does).