[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Well you have plenty of options to make ur suggestion I will leave it at that.

Finally after (7) kills I had an item drop for me where I could loot the corpse. Got the achievement, Hearthstone Beginner. Plus I got the tabard too.

Now if only that mount would drop. Thatā€™s what I want the most.


ugh theres a guy that replied to a radio station FB post and his name screams something bart simpson would tell moe to say.

At least thatā€™s better than a Roman from Life of Brian.

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Got the mount, pet, and tabard. All that remains is the hearthstone, which was kind of the top on my list. Oh - and the bag.

And I finally got to complete the Durotar event without crashing completely out.


Lets seeā€¦ I need several things still.

  • 5 more cards
  • Mount
  • Hearthstone
  • Belt
  • Bag on each alt that can get it

I have been doing these as much as I can except for sleeping. Grar. I did get the cute little mouse pet today though.

Thankfully the weather today will be lovely for doing outside things, and I have to take my eldest cat back to the vet for a recheck and blood work. Yay.


I havenā€™t had a chance to check out the event or even log on. Iā€™m hoping I have the opportunity tomorrow. I am not into collecting pets that much; however, I think that mouse is adorable, and I want the precious.

Hopefully all goes well.


Iā€™ve gotten the hearthstone on the first try. Havenā€™t been camping it though.

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Servers still down or are they im curious.

Been up for few hours now.


At work cool that explains why its a slow day on forums.

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I logged onto SW at 5:00 p.m., and Sarge, the mouse, dropped for me. It was my first time participating in the event. Thankfully, I did not have any lag or deaths. I might have a chance to pop in tomorrow after work. We shall see.


Grats, fellow East Coaster!

Thank you, fellow East Coaster!! Itā€™s what I wanted, so that was a pleasant surprise. It does not take much to make me happy. :slight_smile:


Hope you all having a good afternoon!

Was reading my local news today and apparently the issue with commercial trucks hitting overpasses near Vancouver, BC has gotten so bad that they made some new laws today.

Apparently now if commercial vehicles hit an overpass, They can now be fined up to $100,000 Canadian and/or get up to 18 months in jail.

Supposedly the harshest penalties in all of Canada. Which is crazy. Not sure what the rules are in Alberta. But I know they do get lots of warning ahead of low overpasses on some freeways. Compared to British Columbia where there is little warning until you actually get to it.


Anyone else getting DCā€™d and then errors when trying to log back in to the game?

Not here. Wondering if another DDoS attack is happening. I did hear from some in-game friends on Discord that they got disconnected too and now cannot re-login to the game.

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EU client is doing fine for me, but cannot get back into NA client.

Ooh, nice change!


Awesome! :slight_smile: Thatā€™s wonderful news! Iā€™ll pop on tomorrow if I can. Iā€™m currently playing Scrabble with my daughter.