[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Is there a reason why I’m getting zero loot from the boss kills? I’ve done (2) kills now and received zero loot. No corpse to loot or anything. Debating if I should open a ticket now over this.

Are you using the same character OR alt switching?

I am only doing the event on my main as it’s my only Level 70 at this time. Killed bosses when they spawned. No deaths or anything. No loot sent to my mail box either.

Not a 100% loot chance I don’t think. I got a Wild Card on my first char. A Wild Card and one Hearthstone card on my other two.

Not sure about gold. Was not paying attention.

I know there was early speculation that there was a lockout for the loot, not sure if that is accurate though.

I do see that the quest only ever appeared on Kyzera. I did not see it while on my Druid just now.

Also, woot – there are 3 Silver Strongbox treasures up in Bastion today.

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I really hope I’m not locked out now for loot even though I killed the boss (2) times now. Cause I would need to wait till tomorrow then to see if anything drops. I do feel the drops need to be raised as a result of me not getting anything.

Kyzera received a few cards and the Compass Rose mount when she fought the boss. My Druid only got some cards.

Nice! Grats! I personally just want to get the mount from this event. Along with the (2) new achievements you can view under the Collections Category!

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I want to finish out the achieves, get the toy and pet, and hopefully the bag on as many alts as I can.

He’s a gnome. Nothing seems to go right for gnomes.

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Only saw the portal spawn in SW this time and it was about 15 mins after the top of the hour. I had alts in Valdrakken, Durotar, and SW – all in war mode, all same server.

My Mage did score pretty well though. She got the 36-slot bag, the toy, some cards, and 1k Honorable Kills achieve for killing off some Horde during fight.

Had to install hearthstone have touched that in years to get the mount lol.


I’ve killed the boss 3 times now, once in Val & twice in SW. 1 kill got the tabard, next kill nada, 3rd kill belt. There were also a couple Wild Cards mixed in, so I’m not convinced there is a loot lockout (yet), but there is a chance for nothing.

I also think the sharding issue that has been affecting WoW for years, amplified now, may be causing some looting isuues too.

Edit: 4th kill in Durotar, nada.

Currently got a Support Ticket open now for a Game Master to look into my account. Killed the boss several times today and still not a single piece of loot from the Hearthstone Event in-game.

Not even getting the option to loot the corpse after we kill it every time too. I think my character itself is bugged from receiving loot.

Average wait time is 2+ weeks though which sucks cause event will be long gone by then.

Average wait time for most tickets a averaging 2 days 2 weeks is the oldest ticket in the system. Realisticly a GM wont be able to fix any bugs best u can do is report it as a bug.

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Ya. I’m coming onto my 6th kill now for tonight. I submitted a Bug Report in-game and on the Forums. In my opinion, None of this stuff should be RNG based, But instead on a vendor.

I have a feeling I’m not going to get anything at this point as I got work later this week and I’ll be unable to login and play.


Gm wont be able to give loot either i get ur frustration but sometimes its just outa our hands.

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I know that. But Blizzard really needs to stop with the limited time only stuff. Especially with this event only being up for (1) week. There is no reason in my opinion why this couldn’t have all been put on a vendor.

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I would suspect that it may get patched while the NFS is getting updated. I have seen a few grumbling about the event being bugged.

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