[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I noticed I lost my level 3 privileges t_t must’ve been cleaned up with the rest of the level 3 wave sometime earlier x_X

FYI, the launcher is asking for background permission. So far it’s only been once. I j ust remember what happened last time.


Is been ~3.5 hours since the dentist numbed my jaw, and I still can’t drink from a bottle. I regret not eating something before the appointment; I’m starving but know I’ll chew my tongue off if I try to eat before the novacaine wears off.



You can always try apple sauce or something like that. It won’t fill you up, but it’s something better then nothing, without the risk of harm.

Welp, the Hearthstone event is a disaster right now. Just a warning, keep this phrase handy:

“You want to post in the Bug Reports Forum”.


So what is going wrong?

First, there is only on Hearthstone board per location. So people can’t really complete the quest because only two players can play at once. And either the games last a long time, or the people sitting are intentionally not playing to be jerks. (Plus, you can see their life bars not moving.) But that’s a design flaw.

The bug is with the hourly boss. Just did the one in Durotar, and sharding kept pushing the timer back. Once these mobs did spawn, the small ones were killed, but when Whizbang appeared, he just despawned along with the corpses that no one looted yet.

No, as the quest states … you can also complete it by using Wild Cards near the boards. That is how I did it. I purchased my Wild Cards from the Shady Dealer near the area.


You can complete the quest for 20 silver. Head to the little bridge and see the Shady Dealer. Buy 5 Wild Cards for 20 silver. Stand by the HS board and use them. Quest done.

This seems to be a mess, yes. Next should be Valdraken I think.


Hopefully they can correct the issue with the despawning from the sharding. Not sure if anything can be done about the sharding though.

I just did the boss outside ORG – while in war mode – we had a very small group there and no issues thankfully.


Valdrakken should be easier, because I don’t think the sharding will be as severe as in Elwynn and Durotar.

Yes, and that’s fine. But the whole point is to get to sit down and play a game, right. Use the cards we’re collecting? It’s a huge ring with one table. Why not put 10-12 tables in that ring? Just poor design.

But that’s not as big of a deal. Just gotta get the sharding under control.

There were a couple flagged Alliance there. We almost popped off into a huge PvP battle. Would’ve been glorious.

There was 1 Void Elf Mage who showed up … got some hits in on boss and then died.


While I was waiting for the table to free up, I discovered there’s a Pepe in Valdraken. By the stairs leading up to the portal room, on one of the fires. So, I shot down and grabbed it.

And it looks like they’ve at least fixed the tables issue - there are three in Valdraken, and more than one in SW and Durotar. (Or maybe people have gotten the Hearthstone Game table toy and are dropping them.)

But yeah, the boss in Durotar was a hot mess. Whizbang just spawned in the air, and was frozen there for a few minutes before he de-spawned.

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Only one here, but point taken. If people can play on the toy that drops from Whizbang, then it should get better.

This is correct. It’s about to spawn in Valdrakken on my server now! :smiley:

My friend is in SW … portal just popped for him. We also have the portal in Valdrakken right now. We are both on Bloodscalp.

So, seeing it work properly, I guess you don’t fight Whizbang. He’s more of a “friend” who summons the mobs trying to kill you. Some friend!

Just sharding issues, mostly. Though someone said they got the toy drop and it doesn’t work. :person_shrugging:

I just got the portal in Valdraken and in SW. Managed to get both done on diff chars I had camped at the spots.

Only got HS cards though. One on each char.