[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I believe that was the case, not entirely sure why. It should be updating in the next 24 hours though to update your trust level.


That was something we did under a specific manager that we havenā€™t had in a long while now. Yes, it was abused, for certain. It also was a third party site, which weā€™re not overly fond of using those if we can avoid it.


Ok didnt know that interesting i hope u didnt mind me asking that wasnt aware it was a 3rd party site.

You are always welcome to ask. If I donā€™t know or am unable to answer I usually say so. :slight_smile:


I know the answer would most likely be no or you donā€™t know, but would there be a new forum weā€™d be using one day? Hopefully one home made.


Any idea whatā€™s holding me back from Trust Level 3. I think I have enough posts and I believe I was on the forums at least half the time in the past 100 days. I had TL3; however, lost that. I was a Beta user. I think I have done everything else so Iā€™m unsure what the issue could be. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!


Looks like it just needs to update, Vyanta. That can take a day or so.


Thanks for the update. :slight_smile:


Well, it took about ten years but Iā€™ve fixed my computer audio.

  • Thought it was the light gauge patchwork wiring from the subwoofer to speakers, so I replaced it with highly pliant full copper wiring. Nope.
  • Maybe the cabling between the audio interface and amp. It utilised some adapters so I went for one-piece, higher-end interconnects. Nope.
  • Alright. The amp is old. An old Tripath unit ā€“ I tried reflowing the solder then outright replaced it. Nope.

Turned out it was the old 12-gauge super expensive speaker wiring run into the Monoprice banana plugs. The wiring was bulked up with string (I donā€™t know why ā€“ itā€™s audiophile-grade stuff and audiophiles are better than anti-vaxxers at convincing themselves unicorn poop tastes better than Skittles) and the Monoprice plugs, though full metal, used an archaic screw-in system that didnā€™t do a good job at anything aside from shredding wire strands.

Anyway, it all sounds great now. I even have a new audio interface, though that was more for the USB class compliance (it now works ā€“ both input and output ā€“ without drivers, albeit at a basic level!).


If anyoneā€™s curious ā€“

Banana Plugs


It uses a two screw clamp ā€“ one to make the electrical connection, and one to secure your wireā€™s jacket. This means the wiring has an excellent connection that doesnā€™t get trimmed by sharp edges, AND the stress is placed on the jacket rather than the metal wire strands.

These are the best ones I could find and the main reason why I put this post together ā€“ so I could recommend them!



Itā€™s soft, itā€™s pretty, itā€™s full copper, and because itā€™s an unusual colour itā€™s easy to pick out from the mass of wiring behind my computer. Uh, though I do find their naming parameter a tad unfortunate.



Itā€™s cheap, itā€™s compact, it sounds great.

Audio Interface


The most expensive part of the setup is this audio interface. Audiophiles who talk about equipment love to talk about how warm it makes their music, or any other number of descriptor. You can do that (if you want) post audio interface. This peripheralā€™s job is to convert digital information into analogue information (read: audio signal), and to do so colouring the signal as little as possible.

Replaceable with a DAC but audio interfaces are the sort of things found in recording studios and are oriented toward a more professional audience.



They seem fine. You want short ones that go right from the interface into the amp. Theyā€™re one-piece and were affordable. They appear to be copper but Iā€™m not inclined to chop them up just to find out.


Ill keep this brief pun intended.

So some background if your not a dragon ball. Fan bulmas family is all under were themed if i posted a pic of vegeta and bulma discussing naming there daughter bra would rhat be allowed.


Iā€™m back in!


Iā€™m reminded of an old Steve Martin stand-up bit from 45 years ago. Iā€™d share it, but, well, you knowā€¦ (what I would consider) mild profanity.

If anybody is interested, just search Youtube for ā€˜Steve Martin Googlephonicsā€™.

Edit - corrected timeframe to be more accurate and feel less old.

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I always enjoyed rick mercer talking to americans.

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Thanks, I was able to get in last evening.


Was swapping alts on my Horde server doing the fair favor quests on them. Watched a Hunter run by with a Butterfrog combat petā€¦
Oh Em Ge! I need to level my Alliance Hunter so I can tame a Syndri. Soupy needs a familiar friend in the stable.

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nom all syndris!


Where is she? I havenā€™t looked recently but I thought she disappeared from her last forum ā€œformā€ on D3.
And Neva too! Whereā€™d the girls go?

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