[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Its like a silence\ban/action its to remind you every action has its consequences not a slap on the wrist.

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I’m kinda curious on how to get back my trust level 3. I had it due to being part of an alpha, was a total shock but much appreciated, never really took advantage of it though since most of what I link is already whitelisted.

The nature punishments is for them to be felt, and therefore be an effective deterrent.

In the case of TLs, if the penalties decayed at what people felt was a reasonable rate, it would lose a chunk of its effectiveness.

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Yeah, understandable.

I was just basically “surfing” the forums when I saw Misbecky’s “Welcome To The Doofus Club”, so I thought this place might be one where I’d fit right in.:sunglasses::blush:


Yeah I think we need to get the Lounge back on track. It derailed into things that it shouldn’t be. Thanks for dropping by! Good to see you!


Well i got t3 back so all is good id post a futurama were back baby but im on my phone.


I received a silence in September that was overturned on appeal, is that affecting me?


on the recruitment forum, im unable to edit my own post…is this part of the Trust Level thing? I just get an error code 422 when trying…

I appreciate the weather finally turning around and climbing to the 30s and up…

But if it could stop coming with rain, that’d be great.


We have had two glorious days above 65F, at least in the sun. I got some yard work done like cutting back the butterfly bushes for spring, and some weeding. Although with all the rain it is almost too wet to weed. Muddy and weeds just want to slide out of my hands.

Also got some time to just sit and read on the deck.

I THINK that is part of it. You can read the basics of the Discourse forum software trust level system here.

Blizzard, as the customers, can have some tools they customize, but the basics are there and seem to have edit listed. I don’t think all of it applies to the WoW forums, but much of it does.

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Random wierd fact of the day u u can bring live lobster and a microwave oven on a airplane

Orlyia, how close am I to Trust Level 3?

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Lacking just shy of 9k posts read


Thank you.

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Weird. I use train puns to railroad people. :stuck_out_tongue:


Cheers for that. Gonna be annoying to get trust 3 again but at least it will be soon.

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Long Shot but since you threw out some details for a couple people, might as well ask:
Any idea how far off I am? Don’t think there’s been any recent account actions but I’ve been on the Beta License TL3 for so long I have no idea if I’m insanely far off the actual reqs or if I just need to scroll through a lounge thread for “posts viewed” or something (which is an awful, awful, awful system, btw).

I know that my ding was in September 2023 so that would put me in March sometime to come off of time-out, I believe, if my finger-math is right. I just don’t know when in March, and if I meet the requirements otherwise.