[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I loved Blue Bell when I lived in Texas, but when it became available where I live now, it somehow didn’t taste the same. Not sure if it was different factory, transport issues, or just the way reality often doesn’t live up to nostalgia. Or maybe it’s because I started eating a lot more Ben and Jerry’s in the interim. I don’t say Ben and Jerry’s is inherently better than Blue Bell, but it is different.


It really is! :yum:

Yeah, Jeni’s kinda ended up the same way. She just got too big and it’s not as fresh, because it’s made in big batches now. :frowning:

They stopped carrying my favorite Ben and Jerry’s in pints (at least anywhere around here.) I know they have it at Ben and Jerry stores, but the closest one is almost two hours away.

It’s Triple Caramel Chunk. Caramel ice cream with caramel ribbons and chocolate coated caramel bits. They’re like Reese’s peanut butter cups, but with caramel instead.

I have to settle for Phish Food.

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I’m officially old now. I just finished signing up for Medicare. :slightly_frowning_face:


:dracthyr_heart: I know, I did not like that feeling either. It covers a fair amount of stuff though so that is helpful.


Yeah, I keep being surprised when I realize how soon I can sign up for it (7 years I think) even though I don’t feel that old.

I feel like the regulars in CS and the CS lounge thread especially skew on the older side, even for WoW players. Like I think everyone who has mentioned their age is either middle aged or signing up for Medicare. :slight_smile: I almost want to set up a poll for what ages people are. Just would be fun to see.


Visit the Diablo forums and feel young again! I am not really joking. The Diablo group, esp those on the forums regularly, skew my age or older. Often older. The persons in their 40’s talk about playing D1 as a kid. Then there are those of us who were grown adults with careers when those games came out.

It is kind of mind bending to think of myself as that old or the games as that old.


Hey im one of those youngling that played d1 and wc1 as a kidlol.


Yeah, it definitely feels weird being same age as old people. :rofl:


I still have the original discs for Diablo 1. I wasn’t a kid then either. Actually, I have all the Diablo discs.


So should we start calling you Rajesh Koothrapali?

Reminds me of the episode where howard has to call tech support and raj phone rings and everyone is confused even raj and then he says its my father you jerks.

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Techincaly the Blues could step in as a GM they have the same tool set but not realy suposed to :wink:

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Oh I know that. I just don’t want to open that door for folks to try and push the issue. :laughing:

RIght thats why i posted here The blues kick butt they always go above and beyond what there suposed to much to the cringe of some of the OP post.


Ugh. I had woken up with a coughing fit a few hours ago (still trying to shake off this flu/strep thing), and cannot for the life of me get back into that sleep zone.

Also, I am stuck in the armory update limbo. >.< It has not wanted to update my mog since 10.2.5. Considering some of my other choice looks, it could be worse, but oy. I’ve tried the usual logging out and back in stuff. I hate changing passwords, but if it doesn’t update with weekly reset, that’ll be the next hurdle, I guess.


Currently in recovery, but heart cath went fine. Cannot use my right hand for few days though, as that was the access point via the artery there. This time I was awake for the procedure — that was NOT pleasant!! Owwww

Gonna be interesting figuring out how to use left hand for mouse.


Gracious, I’m so sorry. That has to be rough, especially since you’re still fighting off the flu! I hope you feel better soon. :dracthyr_heart:


That had to have been awful. I can’t even imagine. :open_mouth:

I hope you recovery swiftly! Glad to see you. :dracthyr_heart:

Favorite ice-cream for me is probably


Cookies and cream and Braum’s hot fudge sundae too.


At least you have clothes on.


D1 and WC1 were like yesterday. God time flies.