[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Theres a baker in my home town that does soughdough bread sourdough synamon rolls yea that was intentional sourdough pizza dough she makes amazing bread if any from edonton is interested and doesnt mind a drive into st. Albert look up my bubblyy kitchen on facebook.

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There was a side conversation going on :wink:

Don’t I know it. I was wondering what I could do with 5 months of sick time built up in 2013. Then my gallbladder through a fit. 6 weeks recovery later I was actually glad to get back to work.

Get better.


Six weeks? My gallbladder surgery put me on a 2 week recovery and I was climbing the walls to get back to work.


Game 16 for the win.

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The surgeon said, it should all go smoothly. 1 robot, 4 holes and a few hours later she said.

My body had other plans.

6 weeks was because of the abdominal sutures, the surgeon did not want to see me bending or lifting, then I had another 6 weeks of light duty work, but nursing in the MD office is mainly light work anyway. Not like in a nursing home or hospital.


I can honestly say i have never had Cincinnati chili even though i reside in Ohio.

It was just never a dish my parents ever served myself and my sister. But now that think about it i wish i would’ve tried it when my dad was still alive he used to make a really good chili and it would’ve probably went great over to of spaghetti.

Quoting you just to tag you. Do you play Diablo 4? Do you have a char in game by one of your older forum char names? If so I was standing next to you yesterday or the day before. I keep running into you in games!

Got to try some for the first time tonight. It was quite good from the samplings that we had.

My son’s girlfriend is from the Philippines and she has introduced him (and us, as well) to a variety of Asian foods.


Favorite ice cream flavor… go!

I got to level 10! LOL I honestly can’t even remember my character name, because I haven’t played since release. So sadly, it wasn’t me. :frowning:

If we’re talking just regular flavors, I like a simple french vanilla or black cherry (especially if there are cherry chunks).

Specialty ice cream is the same as my favorite cheesecake, White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.

Ben & Jerry’s… Americone. :smiley:


Regular flavor for me: mint chocolate chip.

Specialty is this:

To me, it tastes like honeysuckle and happiness. :dracthyr_heart:

Cookie dough or bubblegum for me

Butter pecan or black walnut for me, if wanting something aside from plain vanilla or plain chocolate.

I am not a huge fan of mint chocolate chip. There was an unfortunate incident with a drink called a grasshopper and over imbibing which has turned me off of the flavor. :smiley:


Odear. LOL That’s totally fair!

I also enjoy this!


I have a black walnut liquor made here in Ohio from our local walnuts called Nocino. It’s so nice.

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I’m with you on that (though for different reasons). Unpopular opinion incoming: I do not like mint in anything other than a candy cane or a peppermint candy.

That sounds interesting. Hmm …

I’m not sure if it’s okay to link alcohol here, so I’ll err on the side of caution and just quote what’s on Watershed Distillery’s website:

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