[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I got an wow itch I’m wanting to scratch… but I can’t because no game time, and it’s not in the budget.

Cough cough alt is it me or is it dry in here.

Forums have been weird on my phone in a way that’s making it hard to get to GD. I was going to make a bug report, but then I went, huh, maybe that’s a feature…

(I don’t go in GD that often.)

You could just make a low level alt and play with out game time


Woohoo, Whodunnit achievement complete. Got the sweet Pattie mount and title. Talk about a very involved quest. Love that blizz did this line of quests.


Whoo-hoo! Conference championship, here we come!


I’m not exactly sure how to feel. We’ve never experienced this… just watched other teams get this far.

Oh well… guess it’s party time!!!

Go :lion:


Ecited then not surprised when they choke in the playoofs like every year for the oilers anyways.

Finally reached the 39,000 Achievement Points mark on my main in-game tonight! Glad to have reached another milestone in the game!

Time to start my grind for 40,000 Points now! Really should get to work on my Pet Battle achievements. Missing a lot of points from that!


Congrats! That definitely makes me look like a casual achievement hunter. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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On a high note, way to go Lions! :dracthyr_yay_animated: :football:

On a low note, an ice storm is coming over night. Snow is okay. Ice is NOT okay. :grimacing: Tuesday is my usual food shopping day, but I have enough to get by for a bit. Cars are too expensive to risk injury on an icy road.


I feel like an under-achiever, even though I have the most achievement points in my guild.

Your not the only one, I have far less at only a little over 17k achievement points. Never really cared how many I had.

The only one I think I strived for was “It’s over 9000”.

For the total number of Achievement points, as well as the achievement itself.

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The only achievement that I strived for was the original loremaster pre cata god that was a huge pain in the butt.


I did that one. Combing EK and Kalimdor looking for the last two quests I needed for Kalimdor. First thing I did in Cata was the new Loremaster.

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Rember how first aid was a big help too.

Speaking of, I miss having first aid on all my toons.


Same here. But it is a great way to do low-level tailoring on alts.

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Ah havign first aid on a toon that was farming ICC helped with the GR dragon fight.