[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Yep, that’s what I meant!

Yeah, just my forum toon. She’s a placeholder for my pally that was on Thrall. I moved all my characters back to my OG server, Llane.


Now I can’t see mailboxes in Valdrakken. I can see people using them but cannot see them myself. Luckily I was able to use my mailbox toy.

Crafting tables are gone as well. I have noticed others using their mailbox toys as well, so doesn’t seem to be just my account that is affected.

And now everything shows up again … so weird. But only for alts on Bloodscalp so far, as Ravenholdt alts still can’t see the mailboxes or crafting tables.


I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed Vrak locked that thread so fast. But…probably for the best.

Anyway, doing Outland Cup today. Having some success. I’m not sure if they toned it down from the EK and Kalimdor Cup, or if I’ve just gotten better at the race courses. Either way, having some fun with it.

And I wish we had these dragonriding mounts during TBC. Flying to Skettis was enjoyable, instead of dreading it everyday during that Skyguard grind.


There were some points in there that I could probably discuss, but only as an opinion myself, since I don’t speak for or liaise with our Game Developers.

I normally would just move the thread but it was so… full… I thought a little advice might be more prudent. Sorry if I locked anyone out. I noticed a couple people typing.

I need to get to that! Goodness knows I had a few difficulties getting gold on a few of the Eastern Kingdom ones, so I want to give myself plenty of time to work through them.


Welcome me to the Doofus Club! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I was buying some enchants and for some reason the first ones listed when I clicked on them said none available. Clicked the second one and bought one. Same thing for the next one. The same after that, but for some reason I ended up buying all. :grimacing: Out a bit of gold now. Live and learn, I should Pay more attention next time.


Could always relist them to recoup the gold.


Doing that as we speak.

I bought the bunny rabbit to cheer myself up. :rabbit2: :rabbit:


I’ve done this too many times! I accidently hit shift or control when purchasing and it put the full amount available in the amount box. I have to be really careful and remember to look before hitting that buy button!


I recently bought a couple hundred of things instead of one. It was trade goods thankfully, so I can use them. I triple-checked all purchases after that.


Good thing I hang around here. I know better than to make a ticket and demand customer support fix my mistake. They can’t fix stupid or negligence, no matter how much they wish they could. :dracthyr_nod:


Oh this brings back memories of when mechanonhog in lk retail was 10k someone made the mistake of putting quite a few of them up for 1k suffice to say it was a tough lesson for them.

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I am having fun flying around Amirdrassil (and Bel’ameth) and looting all those new cosmetics. Just thankful the Kaldorei are neutral and don’t mind a Sin’dorei grabbing their goodies.

I love the architecture added for their new home. The area is so beautiful.


Oh, check your grocery store. I got a $40 ham for 10 bucks. It’s good until March. They are getting rid of the Christmas hams that are left so they can put out the Easter ones.


It took me a bit to figure out how to get there. The Stormwind new portal room area.


Yeah, I had wandered around in that new section of the Mage Tower a while back. It’s nice that they have portals set up for going back and forth now. I need to come out here on my Alliance so I can interact with more of the NPCs.

Hmm, just noticed this little debuff. Can’t blame them I guess, considering what happened at the last World Tree.

Okay, thanks Blizz. Seems they really wanted me to have this demon appearance. :rofl:


thankfully my local court allows electronics (being a college town) and has lockers if you get selected to have a longer stay


No free gold for the epic blizz employees?

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:SNOW DAY!!! :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

We get a real snow storm today in the Mid Atlantic! Woke up to pleasant falling snow and a white yard. It is going to snow all day with 4-6".

I was supposed to have an overnight guest this evening for dinner but I doubt that will happen. I have fresh crusty bread I made last night though, and will probably cook a corned beef, taters, onions, carrots later if company materializes. Salad too. Maybe bake a blueberry streusel muffin - loaf for breakfast.

I think the travel will end up cancelled though. Just a hunch. I might have to eat my fresh crusty bread with pork, white bean, and potato soup that I made earlier this week. Oh no /s

The only bad part is that it will be bitterly cold again after the snow stops and that is when I have to shovel.

Stay warm everyone!

:coffee: :teapot: :cupcake:


Well another deep freeze is hitting us again -30 probably colder with windchill.

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If your “good luck” bamboo plant dies, are you doomed? I guess I should not have left it on the windowsill with it being so cold.

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