[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Lordy, Managed to leave the house for the first time this week North of Austin. Had to take care of some bank issues and doctor appointment. Dad was not happy with the cold.

I need to get a few things from the store, but I think Iā€™ll wait until tomorrow. Itā€™s supposed to be 70. Then on Friday down in the 40ā€™s. Weather is weird.

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Long day im doing door dash i need something good.

Yeah, we see your low-key bragging. :stuck_out_tongue:


Should come up north to alberta were wierder.


Itā€™s only for one day, and knowing Texas weather, there could be a rain of frogs that comes with it.

My wardrobe contains mostly t-shirts and shorts. I would be a centaur-cicle very quickly. I guess I could dig out my old ski stuff. :smiley:


Incorrectā€¦ TEXAS weather is weird


As a non-Texas native, I didnā€™t want to be the one to say it. >.>


As someone from Texas: If you donā€™t like the weather, wait a few minutesā€¦itā€™ll change. Iā€™ve seen 10F one day and then 80 the next. And, that was in the DFW area.

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I am not leaving the house! Quite determined not to. I went shopping last Friday so that I could plan to just stay here through all the weather issues.

However, tomorrow is warm here too (above freezing), then Friday it snows and goes back to freezing and 17 at night. Also supposed to snow. I have company coming Friday evening too which may end up cancelled.

Sadness. It is an already delayed xmas visit so was going to be a bit festive. We shall see. Weather is so unpredictable we may end up with no snow, or a foot.

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Centaur on skis id pay to see that.


Just put garbage out. Iā€™m hoping it will come out of the bin and not be frozen to the sides :frowning: Currently, itā€™s about -20C (-4f) here.

I have to spend a decent amount of time outside tomorrow unless it stays this cold.


Yeah :< Was disappointing.

Minor but disappointing.

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Oh my


I feel cheated! Think the machine missed giving this pierogi any of the goodies.


Thats not good

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Diet pierogi with zero-calorie stuffing.


At least where I live itā€™s not that cold anymore. Tomorrow here in British Columbia, We are supposed to reach a high of -9Ā°C (16Ā°F).

And by Sunday this weekend we will finally be on the plus size for temperatures again, With a high of 1Ā°C (34Ā°F). We did get a ton of snow here since last night. Heavy Snowfall and Winter Storm Warnings were lifted for my region about 1 hour ago.

Snowfall amount we got here was close to 30cm or 11 inches for those in the US.

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The floor is a fun game show.
