[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

You’re still pink pally on my end. :frowning:


Mine as well. I cleared browsing data and did a fresh login on this phone.

Servers back up a little over two hours early.

How dare you, Blizzard! :fist:



It’s strange seeing all blue in the top corner of my screen! I was trying to respond to a thread and the forums lagged out pretty bad, then I looked up and saw the all blue avatar. I thought the forums logged me out and back in on a different toon at first.

Weird! Maybe it will update for you two in a bit.

Yeah!! Big mad! :rage:


Guess better then 2 hours too late, Yet lets see how many praise them for getting it done early

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Hard nope. The snow was pretty, but the follow up with sleet and rain has everything firmly encased in a sheet of ice. (Yes, I know it’s far worse in other places. But I don’t live in those places!)

There better be a sharp spike in temps before I need to go out for PT. Otherwise, that’s just not going to be happening today. Especially with my luck, there’d be something ridiculous I would manage to do to myself just because of the fact I’d have done it while trying to make it to an appointment to further fix myself. :unamused:


Not a realy well known person but RIP Brian Barczyk



I finally finished Dragonwrath. I still need to get the mount off of Ragnaros and get help with the Kneel to the Flames Achievement.


Bitterly cold! I am fully bundled and hoping everyone else impacted is too. I was all excited about the new DF patch, then logged in and logged out. I just could not face the crowds or new things yet. A preference for routine and severe anxiety can be a frustrating thing. Maybe today though! I have many dungeon quests to finish for DF and have been looking forward to the solo dungeon forever. For 20 years even. It was my only big post when on the Council.

I can’t begin to say how excited I am about it all. So exited I overloaded. Heh.

Bright and sunny today despite the cold so the snow is super sparkly! Warm beverages to all :coffee: :teapot: :pie:


I get this. Rarely do I fool with logging in just to plow through everything immediately once it’s dropped. Now, if there is something like a mog or new cosmetic thing or something like that I’ve been salivating over? That, I may go for. But especially being on Moon Guard, the initial rush of everyone logging in, any lag and just too many people - nah. Plus, I’m always wary of things kind of being a bit borked initially, and by the time I feel like working on things, it has had time for any major hotfixes and stuff to be pushed out.

I just like being able to take my time. Now, I may just sit and demolish storylines all in one sitting when the urge finally hits, but it is very rare that I’ll do it within the first few days of any major releases.

Now, I need to go out and see if I can’t get into the car and let it warm up, de-ice and all of that fun stuff. :cold_face:


No fun! I have a working garage now so I don’t have the ice. I just need to remember to plug in the battery charger. Mine goes dead pretty fast when it gets super cold. I don’t use the car much so charging is a must. Dead battery is no fun either.

Stay warm!


I did my first follower dungeon. I let the npc’s take the lead. It was actually quite fun! The tank didn’t rush ahead and pull everything, and they waited for me, so I didn’t get lost. I even got my Lore master achievement. :grin:


I love my remote start and heated seats.


Ice is the worst. Do be careful if you’re going somewhere they haven’t cleared walkways & parking lots.

So glad that, as cold as it’s been here, at least most of the snow melted and everything dried first, so I just have to watch for the occasional little patch of ice. And I haven’t had to clear snow off my car at 5 am when it was this cold.

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Well this is a bummer. My bank alts had Dragonriding abilities trained and were using Dragonriding mounts prior to the patch. The patch took that away from them. Now the Dragonriding mounts function same as any other mount for them.


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What other lounge? I see your also on thrall or at least your forum toon is. That is where I play most of the time with a great group of adults. Not hardcore but still get stuff done

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I did not post in the waggle thread, Just used it to get my read post count up by about 16k

I think they mean the Trust Level 3 Lounge.



Challenged by a guildmate to do it, and I was up for it initially…

But I don’t think I have enough patience for the racing Ace titles. :rage: