CS Agent Told me to cancel my subscription

I opened a ticket regarding an in-game issue. The response time was surprisingly quick and I wonder if maybe Blizzard-Activision has been hacked? The CS agent who responded actually told me that if I don’t like to cancel my subscription.

I’ve seen other players say it and I thought they were exaggerating. They really weren’t!

The communications are in my account support section if anyone at Blizzard-Activision cares to address this.

Thank you

Blizzard, just Blizzard…but no, they haven’t been hacked. We’d have heard a lot about it by now.

I still doubt that’s the wording they used and since you’ve left out your side of things, context is completely missing too. If you want to quit, quit. There, at least you can quote me on it :wink:

Did you have a question/concern you need help with? This forum is primarily for players to help other players.


I have some doubts…


Without being able to actually see the full communications, it’s hard to see exactly what they said or why, especially with loaded language.

By the Naaru, does Perl actually have a face?! I’m scared…


Probably more along the lines of, “I am sorry for your frustrations but I cannot assist with this issue. If you feel the need to cancel your subscription over this I cannot stop you”.

You brought up “if you don’t do X then I will cancel my subscription”.


Haha! I commented similarly in a thread yesterday!


I’m starting to feel sorry for the Blues…they should get their pics back too


The topic of my ticket is not relevant at this point but do know I was asking for help. I wasn’t snotty or offensive. I do find it surprising considering subscriptions are the lowest they’ve ever been.

“If you feel that you need to leave the game that’s completely understandable. People get frustrated and are tired of doing things that seem like they don’t result in anything. Simply said, there isn’t anything to fix”.

Ticket topics are 99% relevant in this forum. That’s why it’s here, and as players helping the forum staff, often times we can assist with situations faster than the ticket queues.

But your quote sounds a lot like you wanted something for nothing, and a GM simply can’t do that.

That’s also vastly different than telling you to cancel your sub. They’re making you aware of your option if you don’t like the way the game is designed.


Source? I’m pretty sure they’re higher than when they first launched the game…so making up stuff to try and bolster your…point?..isn’t helping.

Sounds like you threatened to quit and they called you on it.

Like I said, if you’re not happy, then quit. Otherwise, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish here?


Yes, very similar. As a business owner myself I would never encourage a customer to stop doing business with me. Especially not one who is voicing feedback and asking for help.

You can make all of the excuses you’d like for it but in my eyes it could be done better.

Okay. Code me a fully-functional webpage that sells mittens for cats. You’re a business owner, after all. Don’t turn me away.

They aren’t encouraging the action, either. They’re saying that they can empathize with you if that’s the route you choose to take.


Help with what though? You might think that your ticket topic isn’t important, but it sounds like you asked for something that they simply can’t do.

Despite what people think, GMs have limits and are bound by policies.

Just like if I went into your business and demanded something for free for no reason at all…you’d give me stuff for free right?


Not being able to assist with something they were told hands off by developers is fine. You just don’t like being told no is all. As a business owner you should understand why you have to tell some people no and you should also understand why that is a necessary evil.

Will you lose some people when you use the word no? Probably but if the product works then for the most part those customers that leave were going to do it anyways and are no loss to the bottom line.


That definitely sounds like what Kneanderthal mentioned - it sounds like you made mention of feeling like you’d leave if something didn’t happen.

If something’s working the way it should, there’s typically a good reason for that. It doesn’t sound like they’re discouraging you from doing business - it does sound like they’re sticking to their guns.

Just like you as a business owner would probably stick to your guns if a customer was asking for something that you couldn’t give.


To be clear, Takea, we are Blizzard, not Activision-Blizzard… regardless of the narrative some folks try to sell.

The claim that a Support rep told you if you didn’t like it to cancel your subscription is extremely misleading. From what I can see you put in a ticket about item upgrades, something that our Support staff cannot do anything about. You are asking for a developmental change and Support has no involvement in the design of the game. Towards the end of your ticket you said that you were tired of “this”, which I assume is the poor luck in getting the upgrades you were looking for, and you were considering ending your subscription. In the interest of transparency the following is their response.

I’m Lady Game Master [Removed]. I hope this message finds you well.

I’m not exactly too sure what you’re wanting us to say here other than we are sorry that your RNG isn’t in your favor while playing on your priest. Customer Support cannot edit or “fix” RNG for you as this is simply how it is for all characters. The developers put this system in game. If you are unhappy with how it works, you’d need to put in a suggestion or feedback on the forums or via the in game suggestion feature. As much as I would love to throw gear at your priest to make up for the less than adequate gear you have been receiving, this wouldn’t be too fair for all of the other players out there that are unhappy with their gear drops as well.

If you feel that you need to leave the game because the game isn’t giving you the items that you are wanting, that’s completely understandable. People get frustrated and are tired of doing things that seem like they don’t result in anything valuable. That’s the downside of RNG. I’m sorry that you feel that this system is “inexcusable” but simply said, there isn’t anything to fix or anything to alleviate your disdain for the RNG system.

If you still need to contact us, please feel free to do so! We want to make sure that we have covered all of your questions thoroughly so if there is something that was missed, you can click the Need More Help button, and we will be notified. Please let us know any details about how we can further assist you with this issue. Otherwise, you can close this message out as resolved.

Thanks again for your time.

Again, I am sorry that you have had bad luck in getting the gear you want, but there isn’t anything that Support can do in this situation other than offer the advice we have.


[Acronym Removed] - you are out of line and off topic. Your post is designed to get me to defend myself which I will not.

I highly recommend you get a subscription to statista
They serve Google, eBay, Samsung and many other global entities. That said, I’m pretty sure their number are reliable.

And for anyone else who thinks I should have to defend myself for being taken aback by lack of customer support, [Acronym Removed] too. This is supposed to be a SUPPORT forum, not a bash people who are seeking help and are not pleased with the response they get forum.


Blue to the rescue, knew we wasn’t getting the whole story.


Man. Flagged before even finishing the acronym. That’s a record.

Vrak really needs a mic dropped gif.